Monday, June 30, 2008

Becoming One

It’s in becoming one,
Where we will learn to willingly surrender,
That which God will one day require of us.

It’s in becoming one,
We learn that submission and selflessness,
Are far superior to selfishness that the world inspires.

It’s in becoming one,
That we learn the eternal immeasurable value,
Of people and relationships over things.

It’s in becoming one,
We learn transparency and loving communication,
Choosing vulnerability and risking wounds from a faithful friend.

Oh Lord, may we realize,
That in avoiding selfless surrender,
We will only delay...even increase pain inherent in the inevitable.

Lord, may You bless and reward,
The fruits of our labor to become one,
Enable and strengthen us as we draw close to You!

By Susan Bunts
June 30, 2008

Dedicated to my love...Chris Wachtel...whom I will become one with on October 4th, 2008.

As we prepare ourselves to wed...we are not only amazed at how much work it is to get married but are becoming aware of just how painful that “becoming one” can be. Goodness knows that the sacrifices are many but the rewards are well worth it.

We contemplate the painful parting with things we once treasured and now find ourselves moving beyond our former lives. Forging ahead into “us” instead of “me”.

While at times it’s really hard...a reflection on the losses that so many people have experienced in recent days and weeks with the flooding in the Midwest serves as a timely reminder that which we may attempt to hold onto God may one day require of us. Will He have to pry it out of our tightly closed hands? How much better to come to Him with open hands and willingly surrender that which He has entrusted to us for a season.

In doing is our prayer that God will reward and bless our willingly surrender to Him and His plan for our lives.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just Right

Well the prospect of getting married for the first time at the age of 49 is very interesting, scary, intimidating and empowering all at once. Seeing 20 year old girls trying on wedding gowns with excitement as they weed through literally hundreds of gowns...scares me to death.

Yet at 49...putting up with a twerp named Michael at the jewelry store became a fun game to yank his chain as he tried to “help me” figure out what engagement ring I’d like. When repeatedly asked why I didn’t like ring after ring...I wanted to say, “It doesn’t matter why, I just don’t...move on.” Instead I was nice...well relatively and the search became easier and quicker when I stopped worrying about hurting his feelings when I didn’t like a ring he suggested. A quick look or seeing it on my finger quickly eliminated a multitude of choices.

Never one to buckle under heavy pressure to make a was easy to walk away and say we may be back. And indeed we might have, had it not been for God going before us and leading my fiancé Chris and me to just the right jewelry store.

But that’s what our whole relationship has been like. Both Chris and I can so clearly see God’s hand in our relationship. How he formed and shaped us to fit so perfectly together. Our differences and strengths complement each other. How God worked a miracle after introducing us the first time and took what at first seemed to be a dud...but later God would light a fire that would grow into love at His appointed time. How God brought us together and helped us in those early weeks and the ensuing months to navigate some rough waters...but we also delight and enjoy the smooth, calm seas when we come upon them.

To many sounds crazy to say we got engaged to be married after dating for only 3 months. But what happens to folks approaching 50 isn’t necessarily what you would advise a 20 year old kid. Besides that...our whole relationship and engagement have proven themselves to be “just right”. So what would have been crazy 30 years I understand, delight and continue to be amazed by. Thank You Jesus!

At a recent graduation and promotion ceremony for home school children Pastor Philip De Courcy quoted Warren Wiersby who said, “God gives His best to those who resolve to leave the choice up to Him.” To that both Chris and I give a hearty “Amen”!

Not only do we praise and thank God for what He’s done to bring us and hold us together...but we continue to be in awe of how He cares and is working in each area of our relationship.

Steering us to just the right engagement and wedding rings in a matter of minutes when by happenstance we walked into the jewelry store at the mall. To providing an alternative for me on finding a wedding dress by ordering online. I was able to order two different dresses and the designer Martin McCrea was willing to allow me to order both styles with the understanding that I will keep the one I like best and return the other one.

God continues to work out the details. This time in the form of a wedding reception. After investigating alternative and prices for having a wedding reception, both Chris and I were a little overwhelmed. To have a wedding reception that costs under $5,000 would be a feat in and of itself. Even then...that’s keeping the arrangements small and low key. It’s not uncommon for a wedding reception to cost between $10,000 to $20,000...or more! Holy smokes! Money that could be applied to a home purchase or gone in one fell swoop! Don’t get me’s a once in a lifetime event and we want to do it right. It’s just for Chris and me...that’s plumb crazy.

It was with amazement and gratitude we humbly accepted the offer of friends to hold a cake and punch wedding reception in their humble abode. Sure we’ll have to scale things back including the guest list that grew exponentially. But that’s not a bad thing. We pray that it will help us to keep first things first.

That first thing is to honor and glorify Jesus Christ, our Lord and thank Him for what He’s doing. We want our wedding and marriage to reflect His glory in our lives.

When Chris and I left the choosing up to God...He brought us just the right mate.

After the recent death of my mom Gayle Lorenat, I find it hits me at odd times. The sadness and grief of her passing. Some of the things I’m arranging now...she would have been a part of. As much as I waited and looked forward to that day...she did too. But God has provided, guided and directed in the absence of parents to come alongside me.

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