Saturday, February 08, 2014

Living Brave - Five Minte Friday 02/07/14

It’s hard to focus my thoughts these days because I’m weary in many respects and my mind is preoccupied by things of precious little consequence, especially in light of eternity.

What does it mean to live brave…what does that look like in my everyday life? 

First and foremost it means having my heart and mind focused on God.  To read His word daily, to know what He reveals about Himself, about me, about this fallen and broken world in which I live.  About seeing the beauty that’s here even in the midst of sin and brokenness. 

It’s about worshiping God everyday…really every moment…in thought, word and deed.  Singing songs of praise, worship and adoration.  Praising God even when things are amiss…praising Him for who He is.  Praising Christ and remembering what He has done for me and all those whom He has called. 

It’s about persevering in prayer no matter what.  Especially when it seems like God is not answering my prayers and no solution or help is in sight. 

It’s about taking the time each day to write about what I’m learning in this thing called life, so I don’t forget it. 

Lord…help me to keep my focus on You.  To be willing to praise and worship You at all times.  To trust You in the dark and when it feels You are far away.  To bring to mind Your perfect and true Word and to choose to believe You and walk by faith, not by sight.

It’s another Saturday morn and I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s FiveMinute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to “Lisa Jo Baker”, and take some time to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

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