Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Landscapes of Anne of Green Gables by Catherine Reid – A Treasure That Will Make You Fall in Love All Over Again

Words fail me to describe how much I loved reading Catherine Reid’s newest book, The Landscapes of Anne of Green Gables.  I felt like I was opening a treasure each time I read from this book and gazed at the beautiful pictures of the breathtakingly beautiful Prince Edward Island. 

I first read Anne of Green Gables as a young adult and loved Lucy Maud Montgomery’s writing so much so that I read all her books.  What a gifted writer!  Her poetic lyrical writing captured character’s thoughts and emotions and enabled readers to imagine the beautiful landscapes of God’s creation. 

Who could not fall in love with Price Edward Island when reading Anne of Green Gables or seeing the wonderful TV mini-series by Sullivan Entertainment?  With each page you turn in this book you will be entranced by the beauty of this island.

Catherine Reed does a wonderful job in telling about Maud Montgomery’s wonderful, yet hard life.  She achieved success, but was not immune to tragedy.  Catherine intertwines thoughts and experiences from Maud’s life and shows how they were reflected in the lives of characters she wrote about.  The landscapes that inspired and moved Maud, where an integral part of her books and her life.  Included in the book are numerous quotes from Maud’s writing, not only her personal journals, but also her beloved fiction books.

I forewarn you, after reading The Landscapes of Anne of Green Gables, you may want to reread all of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s books.  This book is a treasure; I wanted to savor each page.  It will help you to see the beauty in nature in a new and fresh way.  You may even be inspired to visit Prince Edward Island and behold it for yourself.

If you know someone, young or old, who loves Anne of Green Gables, or is enchanted by gardens and nature, you may want to get them a copy of The Landscapes of Anne of Green Gables by Catherine Reid.  I would like to thank NetGalley and Timber Press for the opportunity to read this book.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Even though I got to read this book for free, I liked it so much that I may go ahead and purchase it.  It’s a keeper that I would like to go back to again and again.

This book will be available for purchase on April 18, 2018.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christ Jesus - A to Z


 Bread of Life
 Chief Cornerstone
 David’s Son
 Everlasting Father
 Friend of sinners
 Great High Priest
 Holy One
 Immanuel…God with us
 Jesus Christ
 King of the Jews
 Lamb of God
 Only Begotten of the Father
 Prince of Peace
 Quickening Spirit
 Upholder of all things
 Victorious One
 Wonderful Counselor
EXact Representation of His nature
 Zion’s Hope

Try as I might to find a name of Christ Jesus that begins with X in English, Hebrew or Greek…I didn’t find any.  So, I had to get creative.

This was a great way to think about Christ and who He is and what He did in His life, death and resurrection, and what He is doing seated at the right hand of the Father.  There were a number of letters that it was easy to come up with multiple names or titles. 

If you have a chance, give it a try.  Post a link to it in the comments section.  


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dangerous Illusions by Irene Hannon – Filled with mystery, intrigue and characters you want to get to know

Author, Irene Hannon, is relatively new to me and I really like her work.  That’s why I was excited for the opportunity to read her new book Dangerous Illusions

This mystery is about Trish Bailey, a woman’s whose life has been filled with much tribulation over the last couple of years.  Two years ago, her life was turned upside down when she lost her husband and father and nearly lost her mother, Eileen.  Trish is a dutiful daughter and has been caring for her ailing mother in addition to working as an art teacher at an inner-city school.

Matt Parker seems like a nice guy, but Trish has no interest in romance.  And just who is this stranger that seemed to blow in out of nowhere and land on Matt’s doorstep one dark and stormy night?   

After all that Trish has been through, what more could go wrong?  Well, that’s where Dangerous Illusions starts. 

As I started reading this book, I was hopeful that things would turn around for Trish.  Instead, circumstances went from bad to worse. 

I don’t know if it was the author’s intention in writing the book for readers to be able to relate to Trish and feel overwhelmed as the vulnerable character might have, but that’s how I was feeling as the book started. 

At first it seemed so dark.  I felt very uncomfortable as Trish was the victim once again and this time at the hands of some very unsavory characters.  Detective Colin Flynn was like a breath of fresh air and I hoped he would be able to see the truth through some murky troubled waters that were overwhelming Trish.

Though the book seemed to start off dark and it felt like evil was prevailing, I pressed on because my experience with Irene Hannon’s writing is that she is a safe writer.  I appreciate how she doesn’t have her characters do stupid things to put themselves in danger.  She doesn’t have them making bad decisions that make no sense. 

I liked the mystery and intrigue in Dangerous Illusions and Irene does a great job in developing characters and relationships in her book.  The characters seem real and like someone you would want to know.  I really liked the characters Colin and his long-time friends Kristin and Rick and fellow officer Mac McGregor. 

I recommend Dangerous Illusions, especially if you like a good mystery. I appreciated how Irene Hannon wove the Christian faith into the storyline and characters.  I appreciate that there was no profanity or explicit sexual scenes and that the author shares and respects my Christian faith and values and doesn’t assault them.

I would like to thank Baker Publishing Group and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Dangerous Illusions by Irene Hannon.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Friday, December 08, 2017

Little Bunny’s Own Storybook by Margaret Welwood & Illustrated by Nataly Vits – Will Spark Young Readers Creative Imagination

I was contacted by author Margaret Welwood inquiring if I would read her book for children, Little Bunny’s Own Storybook.  I read a lot of books, but not children’s books.  But I thought it might be a nice change of pace.  Indeed, it was.

I think young readers imaginations will be sparked when they read Little Bunny’s Own Storybook, which tells the story of a bunny that loves to read.  Everyday he goes to the library to find a new book to read.  But one day, to his dismay, the library is closed.  As he goes home nothing else sound good to do.  He wants to read.  But then, he has an idea.  Perhaps, he could make up his own story.

The illustrations by Nataly Vits are precious and will touch a child’s heart.  After reading this story, young readers may be inspired to write their story and draw pictures. 

I recommend Little Bunny’s Own Storybook by Margaret Welwood.  Parents, be forewarned, you may want to have paper and pencils and crayons on hand in case your little one wants to try their hand at writing the very own story.

I would like to thank Margaret Welwood for the opportunity to read Little Bunny’s Own Storybook.  This book is recommended for ages 3-8.

Marie and Mr. Bee by Margaret Welwood & Illustrated by Coralie Rycroft – A Sweet Story with Good Lessons for Young Readers

I was surprised when I was contacted by author Margaret Welwood inquiring if I would read her children’s book, Marie and Mr. Bee.  I read a lot of books, but not children’s books, at least not for many years.  I thought it might be a nice change of pace.  Indeed, it was.

Marie and Mr. Bee, tells the tale of a young girl who listens to some bad advice from a visiting very lazy bee.  Before listening to Mr. Bee, Marie is a responsible hard working young lady.  Afterwards, taking it easy sounds kind of good.  Soon she finds out like the Bible says, “Hard work brings reward.”

Marie and Mr. Bee, is a simple and sweet story, with some good examples and lessons for young readers.  I liked how her friends, Brother and Sister Squirrel, Fox and Little Bear were obedient and did their chores.  One of my favorite lessons in the book is when Marie forgives of Mr. Bee and is his faithful friend. 

The illustrations by Coralie Rycroft are precious and help tell the story perfectly.  This book will capture the imagination of young readers and show good examples about work, obedience, friendship and forgiveness. 

I would recommend the story of Marie and Mr. Bee, for young readers.  I think I would have liked it when I was a little girl.  I would like to thank Margaret Welwood for the opportunity to read this book.   This book is recommended for ages 4-8.  

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Unintended Consequences

How could I have known
Of the unintended consequences
From a decision I made, an action I took

At that moment
It felt like the right thing to do

But now, I see a ripple effect
Which seems like a tsunami
Washing away what I hold dear

Though all around me, everything is slipping away
You alone O Lord will never leave, nor forsake me

Oh Lord, I cry out to You
As the waves crash in, help me hold on to the Anchor of my soul
Help me to trust You Lord Jesus, in the darkest night

Though my words fail, the Holy Spirit intercedes for me
My compassionate Savior prays for me and the merciful Father hears

Susan Bunts Wachtel
December 3, 2017

Sometimes its easier to see things in the lives of others, only to look back and see similar seasons in my own life.  When I look back and see the trials the Lord has brought me through, I stand amazed.  Thank You Jesus for not wasting one trial, or temptation or difficult season.  Thank You for the growth that can take place in the most difficult circumstances.  Though I can’t see the unintended circumstances that may come from something I do or say today, You can.  Help me to look to You, listen and obey You as you guide and direct me. 

Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer – A Lovely, Enjoyable, and Inspirational Read

  Hope’s Enduring Echo is Kim Vogel Sawyer’s new book.  I have only read one other book by this author.  So glad I found this novel it was...