Saturday, September 15, 2018

Just Thinking About Scripture

This afternoon, I’ve been working on my Bible studies.  Even though, I’ve studied books Genesis and 1 Samuel before I continue to see things I’ve missed or overlooked before.  Today I was just wondering.

Is it significant that the Lord God’s curse on the serpent included that he would eat dust all the days of his life?  Specifically, the eating dust.  Interesting because the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground. 

Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being – Genesis 2:7

I just love that…God breathed in to his nostrils the breath of life.  First God formed Adam and then He breathed life into Adam.  Everything else that God created…He spoke it into existence.  But man…He form and breathed the breath of life into him.  That is up close and personal and paying attention to the fine details of His creation. 

The Lord God said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this,
Cursed are you more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you will go,
And dust you will eat
All the days of your life;

And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.” Genesis 3:14-15

My favorite translation of Genesis 3:15 is from the NIV.  I love the truth that on the cross Jesus crushed the serpent’s head.  It was a death blow.  Fatal and he is in the death throws right now.  But it is done!  Instead of bruising Jesus heal…it’s a strike.  Something quick…once.  A strike…but not something fatal.

    And I will put enmity
    between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and hers;
    He will crush your head,
    and you will strike His heel.”

What is the significance in the Lord God’s curse on the woman that her desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you?  Is it looking on that fateful choice when Adam did not overrule his wife’s choice to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?  But now post fall, he will rule over you with a heart and mind tainted by sin. 

To the woman He said,
“I will greatly multiply
Your pain in childbirth,
In pain you will bring forth children;
Yet your desire will be for your husband,
And he will rule over you.” – Genesis 3:16

What is the significance that God’s curse on Adam included that the ground is cursed because of Adam’s sinful choice?  The ground where God took the dust to make or fashion Adam.  Before sin, Adam was commanded to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.  Post sin, the earth would not be as fruitful and require much effort to bring for the food.  Do the thorns and thistles reflect the barbs of sin that will impact all of creation? 

God created Adam, formed and fashioned him starting with dust from the ground.  Now the curse of sin is death.  Adam, if he had not chosen to sin he would not have died.  But now he and all human beings, because of our sin, will die.  We will return to the dust from which the Lord started with to create man. 

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
Cursed is the ground because of you;
In toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life.

“Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;

By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.” – Genesis 3:17-19

In 1 Samuel, we were studying a dark time in Israel’s history when the Jewish priesthood was corrupt and the Lord allowed their defeat at the hands of their enemy the Philistines.  He allowed the Ark of the Lord God of Israel to fall into their hands.  But despite that…God’s sovereignty shines through.  There’s a question on how that encourages you.  This is what I recorded:

God is firmly, absolutely and completely in control, even when it seems like everything is out of control. 

He is able to accomplish what He wants, when He wants and by whomever He chooses.

Get out of His way, obey God and trust Him fully. 

I’m so very grateful to be part of some wonderful in-depth Bible studies.  Lord…keep me close and help me to understand Your Word and obey You. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

In All things by Melissa B Kruger – An Excellent Bible Study!

When breaking for summer, my Bible study teacher recommended Melissa Kruger’s Bible study, In All Things, a study in the book of Philippians. 

Because of that recommendation I was interested in reading In All Things and I’m so glad that I did.  I love finding solid Bible teachers so that I can use their books to stay in God’s Word when my regular Bible study breaks for summer. 

In All Things, is an excellent Bible study.  Melissa teaches readers to learn a book of the Bible.  Each chapter is broken down in to five days and it includes studying the text to determine: Observation – What does the text say, Interpretation – What does the text mean, and Application – How does the text transform me.  Each chapter concludes with a devotional based on the text that was studied. 

Melissa goes through the book of Philippians verse by verse.  She encourages people to read through the complete text multiple times so that you get very familiar with it.  Each day you will be reading the specific text you are studying.  The questions that are asked help the reader to pull out the facts of what the Apostle Paul wrote and help you unpack the text.  What does it say, what does it mean and how should I apply it to my life? 

To help better understand the passage, Melissa may have the reader look up other Scripture verses that may correspond to what’s studied.  She uses Scripture to help interpret Scripture.  You learn to study Scripture within context. 

This study is mature, Christ centered and helps the student to develop godly wisdom and discernment.  Melissa asks some hard, but true and necessary questions.  She is open, transparent and has a godly humility. 

I encourage anyone looking for a good solid Bible study to read and work through In All Things by Melissa Kruger.  You will come away with a good understanding of Philippians.  You will have developed some good Bible study techniques and know how to study the Bible, verse by verse and in context. 

This Bible study would be good resource for a personal or group study or even a formal women’s Bible study at church. 

I would like to thank Edelweiss and Multnomah Publishing for the opportunity to read In All Things by Melissa Kruger in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  I am looking forward to going through this study in future.   

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Five Minute Friday – Always Grateful for Rain

Today, I’m participating in this week’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  If you like to write or need some inspiration and encouragement be sure to check it out. 

Today word prompt:  Rain

After living in Southern California, that has experienced drought for many years, I’m always grateful for rain.  

We moved to Texas in 2014 I was excited, in part, because Texas wasn’t in a drought.  I remember the first time we got rain after moving here.  I was shopping at Hobby Lobby up in Flower Mound and when I came out to my car there were huge dark storm clouds on the horizon.  I made a B-line for home, which at the time was temporary housing in Irving.  I made it home before the rain started...then it proceeded to pour down rain.  I felt like a little kid excited over the storm.

I would be hard pressed to tell you the last time we had rain in California in the years before we left.  I’m sure there was some…but it was very little and nothing like the thunderstorms that kick up here in Texas.

There is nothing quite like driving as a storm rolls in and watching the huge bolts of lightning light up the sky one right after another.

Or laying in bed and hearing a loud clap of rolling thunder that makes me jump.

Or driving down the road and sheets of rain blanket the car and I can hardly see five feet in front of me.

Today, as I sit here and write about rain, it’s raining and I give God thanks and praise for the rain.  Rain that refreshes our garden…waters the dry cracked ground.  Rain that will cool down the hot temps.  I’m ever so grateful for rain.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Farewell Little Friends

Though some may tell me different
I know my hummingbird friends have departed

They arrived in the cool of springtime
Spent the long, hot summer days with us

Zipping to and fro throughout the yard
Feisty and quarreling over who will have time at the feeders

Don’t worry little friends, there’s enough for all
Another fresh batch of nectar will be made

Just this week, I couldn’t help but notice
There weren’t as many around

Oh, there was the occasional hum of wings
Little jewels getting their nourishment from flowers

Some resting on feeders
Drinking deeply without interruption from others

But the clicking and territorial fights have ceased
Now I delight to see the stranger passing through

Their fine-tuned flying skills and delicate beauty
A testimony to their Creator

I will miss you my little friends
I wish you a safe journey as you head south

Come spring, your feeders will be filled and ready
Already looking forward to your return

By Susan Wachtel
September 1, 2018

Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard – Filled with Mystery, Intrigue, Suspense – May keep you up at night

  Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard is the first book in her Hidden Bay series.   This book is action packed from the get go, filled with m...