Wednesday, January 23, 2019

On Magnolia Lane by Denise Hunter – If you like a good love story, time to step away for little while and read.

On Magnolia Lane is the first book that I’ve read by author by Denise Hunter and I really enjoyed it.  This is the third book in the Blue Ridge Romance Series.  Though it’s part of a series, it’s good as a standalone book. 

The story is about Jack McReady who happens to be the local Pastor.  One of his congregants is Daisy Pendleton and she’s been meeting with Jack for counseling over a couple of years now.  He’s pretty much head over heals in love with Daisy and she is oblivious.  Will she ever be able to see Jack as something more than her Pastor?  Will Jack ever be bold enough to ask Daisy out on a date?  Or will this romance need a little help from their friends? 

I really liked the characters in this book.  They weren’t perfect, but they were kind, descent and caring people that I’d like to spend time with.  The story takes place in the small town of Copper Creak, Georgia and after reading this book I wish it really existed because I’d like to visit.   

One of my favorite characters was the mystery woman Julia.  I found myself drawn into her quest and appreciated how understanding and gracious she was.  I liked the friendship that developed between Daisy and Julia.

Denise’s style of writing is very inviting.  She has a way of helping the reader to visualize the places and people, but without being too wordy.  She leaves room for imagination.  I thought Denise was insightful in bringing out what was going on within the characters, their insecurities and wounds from the past that haven’t quite healed, that still impacted relationships. 

I really enjoyed On Magnolia Lane.  I appreciated that the Christian faith was included in the character’s lives and that it was a clean novel and free from filthy language and sexual immorality.  There are some details about a character’s past that comes out, but the sinful choices were not glorified or made light of. 

In today’s world, where every where you turn there’s more bad news, it’s really nice to be able to step away for a little while, into small town with a little romance.  If you like a good love story, be sure to read On Magnolia Lane by Denise Hunter.  I look forward to reading more of Denise’s novels. 

I would like to thank BookLook and Thomas Nelson Publishers for the opportunity to ready On Magnolia Lane in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Monday, January 07, 2019

Breach of Trust by Rachel Dylan – Filled with Suspense, Mystery, Intrigue and Romance

If you like mysteries filled with intrigue and a little romance and be sure to read Rachel Dylan’s newest book Breach of Trust (to be released on February 5, 2019).  This is the third book in Atlanta Justice series and the characters in the first two books continue on in this current book.

Mia Shaw is a hardworking corporate attorney.  Her life is turned upside down when she discovers her friend and colleague, Chase Jackson, brutally murdered and she won’t stop until the guilty party is brought to justice.  Mia is assigned to the legal case Chase had been working on.  As she starts digging into the evidence, it appears corporate espionage may have occurred.  Mia’s going to need some help from a cyber security expert, but working with Noah Ramirez may be problematic.  Especially since he’s working to help clear his friend, David, who happens to be the prime suspect in Chase’s murder. 

Wow…Breach of Trust is action packed from the get go.  When you open the pages be ready to hit ground running.  It’s filled with suspense and intrigue that will keep you guessing until the end.  I found this book, very satisfying.  The characters were very likable, especially Mia’s friends Kate and Sophie, as well as Noah and his friends Cooper and Landon.  They are nice, decent people who care about each other and are committed to their friendships with one another.  I especially appreciated how the Christian faith was woven into the character’s lives and how they grew.  Rachel’s legal experience, knowledge and research all work to make Breach of Trust an interesting story. 

If you like suspense, romance and legal whodunnits…be sure to read Rachel Dylan’s newest book Breach of Trust, I highly recommend it.  Though this is the third book in the Atlanta Justice series, it works well as a stand-alone book.  I want to forewarn you, once you read one of Rachel’s books, you are going to want to read the rest of her books. 

I would like to thank NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for the opportunity to read Breach of Trust by Rachel Dylan in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Desperate Faith

He was a man of desperate faith
Jairus was willing to risk it all
As he fell at the feet of Jesus

Reputation, respect and honor
What did that mean to him now
As his little girl lay dying

He went to the One
The only One who had the power
Over sickness and disease, even life and death

In desperation he begged
My daughter, she is going to die, unless
Please…come…touch and heal her.  So, Jesus went.

She was desperate, when would she ever have another chance
The crowds said Jesus was coming
He alone had the power to heal her

For twelve long years, she was considered unclean
An outcast, no one would even touch her
Everything had been wasted on doctors who couldn’t help her

In faith, with a trembling hand
She reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak
Immediately, after twelve long years, she was healed

Instead of going on His way
Jesus stopped
“Who touched Me?”

He looked around and saw her
He cared for her, for she was someone’s beloved daughter too
She confessed, He proclaimed, “Your faith has made you well.”

Waiting, the father’s desperation grew
Every moment, with every delay
He wondered, was his daughter still alive

The synagogue officials came with grim news
Don’t bother, she’s dead
Then Jesus said, “Do not fear…only believe.”

When they arrived, they were greeted with weeping and wailing
Mourners laughed when Jesus said, “She’s asleep.”
But the place emptied when He said leave

Surrounded by those who loved this girl
Parents with desperate faith
Jesus commanded, “Talitha, arise!”  And she arose.

Astounded with joy
Her parents took her by the hand
“Tell no one!”  And Jesus departed

Susan Wachtel
January 7, 2019

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...