Saturday, December 21, 2019

End Game by Rachel Dylan – Fast Paced and Filled with Suspense, Intrigue and Likable Characters

When I saw that author, Rachel Dylan had published a new book, End Game – Capital Intrigue Book 1, I was excited to read it. 

When FBI Agent Bailey Ryan and NCIS Special Agent Marco Agostini were called in to investigate the murder of Navy Petty Officer Sean Battle little did they know that they would be drawn into a complicated, ever-widening case that would prove to be dangerous and deadly.  Where would it end?  Just who was involved?  How deep did the corruption go?  Who can they trust?  Where would their investigation lead?

I loved this book.  It was filled with suspense and intrigue from beginning to end.  What I liked most about this book were the characters.  They were nice, decent, honest people who sought the truth, no matter where their case led.  I liked the lead characters Bailey and Marco as well as the secondary characters Isabella (Izzy) Cole, Jay Graves, Lexi Todd, Tobias Kappen, and Derek Martinez.  They were people of integrity whom I liked and cared about.  They worked together in pursuit of the truth.  They considered the evidence and when things didn’t make sense or didn’t look right, they dug deeper.  Even when it meant risking their own lives. 

In today’s culture where we’ve seen the compromise and dishonesty from prominent government officials, it was refreshing to see the integrity of these characters.

I appreciated how the Christian faith was woven into the storyline and supportive friendships.  I liked seeing the cooperation and teamwork between the various military branches and the legal system.  I enjoyed the friendship, trust, and romance that developed over time as Bailey and Marco got to know one another.

If you like intrigue and suspense, mixed with good characters, an interesting story and a little romance, be sure to read End Game by Rachel Dylan.  You won’t be disappointed.  End Game – Capital Intrigue Book 1 will be published on January 7, 2020.  When Rachel Dylan writes a book, I want to read it!

I would like to thank Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for providing a complimentary copy of End Game and the opportunity to read it.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Hallmark of Sin

Hallmark Ornament

Today is a sad and grievous day
As news of Hallmark’s comprise with sin
Has been made known far and wide

It’s ironic that the definition of hallmark includes
Attesting to purity
A distinguishing characteristic

Instead of being part of our culture
Helping us celebrate the holidays
With cards, gifts and ornaments

Hallmark will now be known as an emblem of compromise
Conceding to the loud voices of political correctness
Approving of sin which God has clearly condemned

How is it that a channel once known as family-friendly
Is now putting on display
Applauding and approving same-sex marriage

While our culture and standards are ever-changing
On a slippery slope that approves and promotes sin
God’s Word and His perfect righteous standard will never change

What God in the Bible has declared sin
Remains sin today
How can one embrace and promote that which God will judge

As far back as I can remember
Hallmark has been a part of the Christmas season
But how can I spend money on a company that celebrates sin

Christmas is about Christ Jesus the Lord
A Savior was born, God incarnate
To redeem and save sinful man

It is particularly gross that at Christmastime
Hallmark embraces sin
Sin for which Christ died

Hallmark has bowed its knee
To the loud and vocal groups
That demand acceptance and approval of their sin

Forgetting about families
Trying to raise their children
In truth and righteousness

Disregarding religious groups
Christians and Jews whose standards come from the Bible
God’s Word, which is uncompromising and unchanging

Hallmark is on a slippery slope
Accepting and promoting sin
How long until it works its way into their movies and cards

Why would I now spend money on a Hallmark
It’s not just the TV channel I will turn off
It’s ornaments I will not buy, no more Hallmark cards to send

Though Hallmark has approved of sin
I must stand firm with God
Because at the end of the day

It’s about a human being created in God’s image
One who needs to hear the truth about sin
And forgiveness to the repentant sinner through Christ

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
December 16, 2019

I think Hallmark is shortsighted in giving way and compromising with the politically correct groups that demand acceptance and approval.  Hallmark is not calculating that they have offended conservatives who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman and Christians and Jewish believers who believe the Bible is God's inerrant Word. 

It’s not just the Hallmark Channel or Hallmark movies that will be impacted.  I won’t be buying Hallmark products, including cards and gifts.  I hope that they will revisit this poor and wrong decision that they’ve made.  But if not…Hallmark will no longer be a part of my life. 

I did call Hallmark at 1-800-425-5627 and spoke with a representative.  I asked her to relay that this will impact more than just the Hallmark Channel.  She gave me the phone number for the Hallmark Channel, 888-390-7474, which I will also call.  I will also follow up with an email to Hallmark ( 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Perfect Match

When we look at Ron & Carol
We think what a perfect match
Simply made for one another

How many roads have they traveled together
How many places have they seen
How many seas have they sailed

Together they have enjoyed and delighted in
Fishing at the camp
Cooking and trying new recipes together
Fine dining or even the occasional dive
Traveling to places near and far
Simply living everyday life together

How well they have embraced, loved and cared for
One another
Their children, families and friends

Both have a keen intellect
A good sense of humor
They are always willing to lend a helping hand
A listening ear
Wise counsel
And a heartfelt prayer

They have delighted in one another
In their joys and successes
And bearing one another’s burdens

When we think of Ron & Carol
We can’t imagine one without the other
We thank God for them
Bless them
Rejoice and celebrate their Anniversary
15 Years together

By Susan Wachtel
December 7, 2019

Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer – A Lovely, Enjoyable, and Inspirational Read

  Hope’s Enduring Echo is Kim Vogel Sawyer’s new book.  I have only read one other book by this author.  So glad I found this novel it was...