Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis – Loved This Book, Enjoyable Characters, and Interesting Relationships


I enjoy Amish fiction but had never read any novels by Beverly Lewis.  After reading the description of the The Heirloom, I wanted to read her newest book.  I am so glad I did!


The Heirloom tells the story of Clara Bender and her great aunt Ella Mae Zook.  Clara’s world has changed since her mother’s death a year ago.  In the months after her mother’s passing, Clara had grown closer to her father.  But since he remarried a couple of months ago, things had changed and home didn’t feel the same.  At nineteen years old, Clara knew that one day she would leave home.  The prospects for a good match in her community were not promising because eligible men about her age were not available. 


While clearing out her mother’s desk, Clara found letters her mom had exchanged with aunt Ella Mae.  It seemed they had a very close relationship and a deep connection.  That got Clara to thinking, perhaps she could go visit her great aunt in Pennsylvania for a couple of weeks.  Get to know her and connect over their shared love for Clara’s mom.  Her dad is reluctant to let Clara go but relents with the understand that she will be back in a couple of weeks.  His concern is that the Amish community in Hickory Creek is much stricter than the one in First Light, Indiana.  That was one of the reasons they had moved.


I absolutely loved reading The Heirloom.  I enjoyed the main characters Clara and Ella Mae and the people surrounding them.  I found the storyline compelling and moving.  Clara’s grief was relatable and Ella Mae was such a kind and caring person to all who were around her.  Both characters were thoughtful, hardworking, and other centered. 


What I appreciated the most about this book is the aspect of their Christian faith.  It was part of their everyday life and impacted how they lived. I have read other Amish fiction and have often thought it seemed like faith based on works, instead of faith that bears the fruit of repentance and good works.  That part of the Amish faith was explored in this book.  Not in a heavy-handed manner, but in thoughtful way.  I appreciated that the Gospel of Christ was clearly shared.  It was enjoyable to see young people building relationships that were pure.


The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis was so enjoyable.  The characters and relationships were well developed.  This novel had a richness you don’t often find in books.  Not everything was sunshine and flowers, there were some difficult subjects addressed.  I was very moved by Clara and Ella Mae’s story, and found myself grieved and wondering how the story would turn out.  I trusted the author no matter if it had a good ending or a sad ending, she handled the story and characters well.


I highly recommend The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis.  It was enjoyable, rich, and thought provoking.  So glad that I found this author whose work is new to me and look forward to reading more of her books.


I would like to thank Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read complimentary copy of The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.    


Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer – A Lovely, Enjoyable, and Inspirational Read

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