Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series.  This novel picks up where the last book, The Libyan Diversion, left off.  The United States had experienced a deadly terrorist attack by Abu Nakba and his terrorist group Kairos.  They nearly achieved their aim at taking out the President of the United States, the Pope, and as many American as they could.  If it had not been for Marcus Ryker and his team, they may have succeeded.  As it stands, far too many people were killed and injured.


When it becomes known that Abu Nakba, and his terror group Kairos, are still operational President Carlos Hernandez calls on the CIA’s elite team lead by Marcus Ryker to once and for all take out this terror threat.  Intelligence indicates that Abu Nakba and Kairos are operating in Pakistan.  Marcus and his team plan out their mission, but things did not quite go as planned.  When the team makes a horrifying discovery that the terrorists are working to weaponize the Cerberus virus their only option is to destroy the lab.  That explosive decision will make their covert mission a little harder to conceal from both friends and foes. 


Later, it discovered that Abu Nakba escaped and his terror organization is back up and running.  President Hernandez will need the CIA’s elite team to hunt down and destroy this terror group.  After the last mission, Ryker’s team is exhausted and working non-stop to try and find Nakba.  Who is funding this operation and to what end?  Is it the Russians, Iran, and how does China fit into the equation? 


Joel Rosenberg is one of my favorite writers.  He has a way of capturing the reader’s attention from the get-go.  The Beijing Betrayal is jam packed with action and suspense.  What would have once seemed an implausible story, now the possibilities seem all too real.  Joel is good at describing scenes and you can almost imagine it in your mind. 


My favorite part of the book are the characters.  Marcus Ryker is a very likable character.  He is intense and passionate about his work, cares about the people he works with, and is committed to the work they do.  I love the relationships between Marcus and his family, friends, teammates.  Even though there is plenty of action, suspense, and intrigue, it is the characters that keep my attention.  I liked the relationship between Marcus and Annie, the love and respect they have for each other.  I was rooting for them!  I liked the times where Marcus and Annie were able to talk and reflect on their relationship.  Something I appreciate about reading a book by a Christian writer is that it is clean, has no profanity, and the characters speak about their faith and try to live it out.  The Christian Gospel was shared. 


Since the story is about a terrorist group and their leader, the book has some violent scenes.  But Joel does not focus on the blood and gore.  With the aspect of the weaponization the Cerberus virus designed to kill people, it was rather disturbing.  But in what we have seen over the past 25 plus years, the thought of evildoers resorting to something like this is a very real possibility. 


Since I knew this was the last book of the Marcus Ryker series, I did not know how it would end.  Happy or sad?  As the action winds down in the story, Joel did not skimp on the ending.  He took time wrap things up with the characters readers have come to know and care about.


I highly recommend The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg, especially for those who enjoy geo-political thrillers and Christian fiction.  It is filled with non-stop action that will keep you up late at night.  The Beijing Betrayal is un-put-downable!  You know a book is good when you are thinking about it when you are not reading it.  I look forward to reading the next book that Joel writes.  If you haven’t read all the books in the Marcus Ryker series, you may want to consider doing so. 


I would like to thank Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read complimentary a copy of The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  

Friday, February 28, 2025

Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard – Filled with Mystery, Intrigue, Suspense – May keep you up at night


Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard is the first book in her Hidden Bay series.  This book is action packed from the get go, filled with mystery, intrigue, and suspense. 


Remi Grant first came to Cedar Trails Lodge when she was searching for a safe haven where she could escape from those trying to find her.  These days Remi works as the manager of the lodge.  The lodge is fully booked with guests who are here to watch the storm of the decade come ashore with winds and waves battering the Pacific Northwest coastline.


If it was up to her, Remi would not be on the beach with the storm coming in.  But she was trying to find a guest’s tiny yorkie.  Time is running out and Remi is reminded she can go up a rope ladder.  A few feet from the top Remi notices the rungs of the ladder are broken and the rope is shredded.  As she considers her options, she hears a voice, “Grab my hands now before it’s too late.”  The stranger, Hawk Beckett, caught her wrist as Remi is paralyzed in fear, and he pulls her to the top.


Former Night Stalker and military helicopter pilot Hawk Beckett was able to book the last cabin before the storm came in.  A friend had told him that he might find the answers he was looking for at the Cedar Trails Lodge.  Remi would like to remember what happened two years ago.  Hawk would like to forget the painful memories of the past couple of years.  Despite feeling leery of Hawk, it seems Remi will need to trust him to help protect her from whoever has finally tracked her down. 


Hawk Beckett was my favorite characters.  I like that he was ready, willing, and able to do whatever he had to do to protect Remi.  With all his military and security training he was the right man for the job.  With the resources that Hawk has available, he is not the average Joe.  In that sense, realism is a bit of a stretch.  Sometimes that is okay and why I am reading fiction.  There was no shortage of potential bad guys, with suspects at every turn.  I had inkling who the bad guy may be and it seems as though not everyone is who they first seem to be.  Faith was a small part of the story and I would have liked to have had that play a bigger part in the character’s lives.  Overall, I liked the book and enjoyed the mystery and suspense.  It kept me up late on more than one night. 


From page one, Storm Warning is action packed and filled with mystery, intrigue, and suspense.  It is fast paced and may keep you up at night until you unravel the mysteries.  If you like intrigue, mystery, and suspense you may want to read Elizabeth’s Goddard’s newest book Storm Warning. 


I would like to thank Revell Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Peacemaker by Wanda E Brunstetter- Mystery, Relationships, Romance, Amish Fiction

The Peacemaker by Wanda E Brunstetter is the second book in the Mifflin County Mystery series.  The first book in the series, The Protector, introduced readers to many of the characters featured in this second book.


Ada Detweiler was best friends with Rosa Petersheim who disappeared over a year ago.  No one has seen or heard from Rosa since the night she went missing.  Rosa’s disappearance continues to weigh heavy on the Petersheim family and friends.  Out of necessity people have tried to go on with their lives, but still have hope that Rosa may return or they will finally get answers.


Ephraim Peight was Rosa’s boyfriend and he was the last person to see Rosa alive.  Though there is no evidence, some people still suspect Ephraim of foul play.  When Ephraim is asked to go stay with his grandmother and help her, he is reluctant to leave.  Trying to make the best of the situation, he hopes that he will have a fresh start in a town where nobody knows him. 


When Lewis Peight has a heart attack, Ephraim returns to town to help with this father’s business.  During that time Ada and Ephraim start seeing each other as friends.  Ada’s had feeling for Ephraim for quite a while, but would it be right for her to have a relationship with her missing friend’s boyfriend?


The Petersheim’s story continues and we see the impact Rosa’s disappearance has had on their family. 


Faith is a part of this story.  I like how faith was woven into the characters everyday lives.  Most of the characters in the book were likeable.  Not only are the main characters are featured, but also members of the families.  Young, old and in between.  Reading this book, you get a sense of what the community is like.  I appreciate being able to read a clean novel. 


I hope that in the next book of the Mifflin County Mystery series readers will find out what happened to Rosa.


I enjoyed reading The Peacemaker.  The book is set at a slower pace and is more about developing the characters as opposed to an action novel.  This works as a standalone novel, but you might benefit if you read the first novel, The Protector.  If you like Amish fiction, mysteries, or romance novels I recommend The Peacemaker by Wanda E Brunstetter. 


I would like to thank Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of The Peacemaker by Wanda E Brunstetter.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  The Peacemaker will be released on March 1, 2025.


Monday, December 30, 2024

The War on Sin Within

The following was inspired by the sermon preached yesterday, by our Associate Pastor Chris Teagle.  The Scripture was from James 4:1-10.  

A war wages within me

            Though I would like to think

                        It was a mistake

                        I made a bad choice

                        I was weak

            Indeed, I know

                        Sin has taken root

                        Within my heart


The pleasures I seek

            Provoke lust, hatred, and envy

            Result in fights and quarrels with others


Have I prayed

            Asked for help

            Or are my prayers

                        Rendered null and void

                        Because I ask with wrong motives

                        Corrupted by sin


Have I committed spiritual adultery

            Become a friend of this world

            A world that is at enmity with God

            Have I become God’s enemy


One thing I know

God loves His own

Those whom He has chosen

He loves with zeal

With a jealous love

Untainted by sin

Holy and pure


God desires that the Holy Spirit

            Indwell His people

            That our greatest desire will be for God

            He will aid us in our battle with sin

            Apply God’s word to our heart and mind






God is opposed to the proud

            Those who reject His grace

            Who refuse to repent

            Or fail to acknowledge their sin


But to the humble

            Those who recognize their desperate need

            That they have sinned against Holy God

            The One to whom they will give an account


God gives His grace

            Grace that is greater than all our sin

            Grace that lifts our burden of sin

            Grace that leads to sanctification and obedience


May I submit to the Lord

            Draw near to Him

            May I mourn and weep over my sin

            May I resist the devil and he will flee

            May this sinner cleanse her hands

            May I be single minded and focused on God


By Susan Wachtel 12/30/24

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Serial Burn by Lynette Eason – Action-packed, mystery, and intrigue with a little romance


Serial Burn by Lynette Eason is the third book in the Lake City Heroes series.  This novel is action packed from beginning to end.  Characters from two earlier books are included, but it works well as a stand-alone book.   


It has been twenty years since Jesslyn McCormick lost her parents and sister in an arson fire.  She has made a public vow to find out who murdered her family.  As a Fire Marshal, Jesslyn is dedicated to help bring justice to those who lives have been impacted by arson.


When a local church has been set on fire Jesslyn has been assigned to the investigation.  Because a church was attacked it is considered a hate crime and FBI Special Agent Nathan Carlisle has been assigned to work this case.  Will they be able to find out who started this fire and stop them before more people are endangered and damage is done?  When more fires are started in Lake City evidence indicates it is the work of a serial arsonist.  When Jesslyn has some close calls at fire scenes, she is concerned that she is being targeted by the arsonist.  


This book has lots of action, suspense, and mystery throughout the story.  Both main characters, Jesslyn and Nathan, have some serious issues from their individual lives that they are trying to work through.  The cases they are working on are bringing those issues to the forefront.  There is attraction between the two main characters, but they realize that for now that is something that will be put on hold.


I really liked the support network of friends that were part of their lives.  Friends that were introduced to readers in the first two novels of this series.  I liked how Jesslyn and Nathan were able to build a relationship and begin to trust one another.  Faith was a part of the story.  I would have like to have seen it play a bigger part.  Perhaps in the form of examining their thoughts and actions compared to what the Bible says how a believer should respond.  Or a friend who is a solid and very caring Christian speaking truth to them. 


There were some heavy emotions and situations in this book.  In addition to those who perished in fires, there was adultery, guilt, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, and thoughts about self-harm.


Overall, I liked the book and enjoyed the suspense and whodunit.  I appreciated the supportive friendships the characters had.  If you enjoy mystery, suspense, and whodunit novels, you may want to read Serial Burn by Lynette Eason. 


I would like to thank Revell Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Serial Burn by Lynette Eason.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  Serial Burn will be released January 21, 2025.


Monday, December 23, 2024

The House of Cross by James Patterson – Action-packed Thriller


The House of Cross by James Patteson is the first book that I have read by this author.  I did not know what to expect, but it really lived up to its description, An Alex Cross Thriller. 


Following the election, the people in Washington, D.C. are getting ready for the Inauguration of the President-Elect Jackie Johnson.  After the murder of three prospective judicial candidates for the Supreme Court, law enforcement is on high alert.  Security of the existing Supreme Court Justices is of grave concern.  Who is murdering these people and for what purpose?  Could it be the work of Maestro?  Time to call in the finest FBI investigators and consultant Alex Cross. 


Alex Cross will be working on this case with his wife Bree Stone and friend John Sampson.  They will be traveling across the country and into Canada to pursue their suspects.  Will they be able find and stop them on time? 


The House of Cross is filled with non-stop action from beginning to end.  Alex’s family and friendships were my favorite part.  I especially like his grandmother Nana Mama.  Alex is a family man and good friend.  Another character that I liked was Canadian Mounted Police officer Molly Fagan.  She is the kind of gal you want by your side when trouble hits.  She is prepared and ready for a fight. 


The House of Cross is an action pack thriller.  While action takes up most of the story, there is also some character and relationship development.  I liked the characters.  The plot did stretch the imagination, but I liked the story.  


There is some profanity in the book, less than I expect.  Also, violence due to the nature of the story.  Thankfully, the author did not go into detail on the violence that movies often show. 


If you like an action-packed thriller and intrigue, I recommend The House of Cross by James Patterson.  It will keep you on the edge of your seat until you get to the last page. 


I would like to thank publisher Little, Brown and Company and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of The House of Cross by James Patterson.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

With All Her Heart by Kelly Irvin – Likeable, Thoughtful Characters

Kelly Irvin’s newest novel With All Her Heart – is the third book in the Amish Calling series.  I enjoy Kelly’s Amish themed books and looked forward reading this story.


With All Her Heart is a little different from most of the author’s other novels.  In the introduction the author mentions that Amish communities may have a higher rate of disabilities or diseases because of marriage within their community and the limited gene pool.  She also mentioned the love and acceptance the Amish have for their children, family, friends, and members of their community. 


The main character in this book is Bonnie Yoder who has a disability called spinal muscular atrophy.  Bonnie is co-owner of a shop with two of her friends who are also disabled.  Bonnie is smart, beautiful, hardworking, and wants to be independent as possible.  Bonnie would love to be married and have children.  But she is resolved to remain single and not be a burden on others because of her declining health. 


Thankfully, Bonnie has the love and support from her mother, Jocelyn Yoder.  Jocelyn husband Marlin died two years ago, but he is still a part of her life. 


But God is at work and may bring the unexpected into their lives.  Like Elijah Miller a quiet and shy man that Bonnie had gone to school with.  Or Jocelyn’s brother Uriah bringing his friend Theo over to see what things need work, repairs, or maintenance on Jocelyn’s property. 


I enjoyed reading this book and the characters were very likable.  I especially enjoyed Jocelyn, she was loving, caring, supportive and honest in dealing with her grief.  Theo was a refreshing character, honest and open.  I also liked Elijah.  Though he was shy, he learned to work through that which is hard, and to fight for what he wanted. 


It was eye opening to think of how challenging it would be to have a disability and live life without the modern-day conveniences that can make everyday tasks a little easier. 


I enjoyed reading With All Her Heart by Kelly Irvin and recommend it.  If you enjoy Amish themed novels, or a little romance, or Kelly Irvin’s novels be sure to get her newest book which will be released on January 28, 2025. 


I would like to thank Zondervan Fiction and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of With All Her Heart by Kelly Irvin.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Reagan: His Life and Legend by Max Boot – Reads like a 1,300 page indictment

When I saw that Max Boot had written Reagan: His Life and Legend, I was excited to read this biography.  Reagan is a leader I had come admire over the years.  This book has a lot of favorable reviews, so I had high expectations.


Sadly, this biography on Ronald Reagan was a disappointment.  Max Boot did a tremendous amount of research about the former President.  But the book that he wrote is more like 1,300-page indictment against Reagan.  His bias comes through on every page.  Boot seems to think Ronald Reagan is the equivalent of a simpleton, like the character Chauncey Gardiner.  I found the author to be hyper-critical and negative of Reagan as a person and as a leader.  This book was very wearisome to read.  For the above reasons, I do not recommend this book. 


I would like to thank the publisher Liveright and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an electronic copy of Reagan: His Life and Legend by Max Boot.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.



Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Over the Edge by Irene Hannon – Filled with Mystery and Suspense


Over the Edge is Irene Hannon’s second book in the Undaunted Courage series.


Lindsey Barnes recently moved St. Louis.  She made the move following traumatic incident that she desperately wants to put behind her.  Her business as a person chef is doing good.  But a chef without her knives is not going to be very productive.  So, Lindsey makes plans to stop at the home where she left her equipment. 


The homeowner is not there, only a construction worker is in another area.  Lindsey spots her knife roll on the kitchen counter.  As she come around the island, she encounters a man dead on the floor surrounded by blood.  Before she can react, she hears someone in the guest bathroom and she quickly hides under the island countertop.  Soon after the suspect leaves, Lindsey calls 911.  Another nightmare has begun.  Even though she is the only witness, Lindsey does not want to go through this again!


I liked the mystery and suspense in the book, it kept me guessing right up to the end.  Most of all, I liked the characters.  Especially Detective Jack Tucker and the relationship he had with his sisters Bri and Cara, they are a very caring and closeknit family.  Bri was featured in the first book of the series, Into the Fire.  I appreciated how Jack and Lindsey worked through issues, and opened-up with one another.  Jack was willing to investigate Lindsey’s claims that someone was might be targeting her because she was the only witness.  I appreciated that the novel was clean and faith was included in the storyline. 


One of the things that did not make a lot sense was Lindsey repeatedly talking to her friends about the developments in the case.  Police standard procedure is to caution the witness to not speak about the case with anyone.  When a character does something that does not make sense, it seems like it was included to add an element of danger. 


If you like a good whodunnit, filled with mystery and suspense with a little romance, you may want to read Irene Hannon’s newest book Over the Edge. 


I would like to thank Revell Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Over the Edge by Irene Hannon!  I was provided a complimentary copy of the eBook, but was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Betrayal at Blackthorn Park by Julia Kelly – Intrigue and Mystery During WWII

 If you enjoy a good story with mystery and intrigue, Betrayal at Blackthorn Park by Julia Kelly may be the book for you.  This is the second book in the Evelyne Redfern Mystery series.


Evelyne Redfern completed her training at the finishing school for the Special Investigations Unit.  She has been summoned to headquarters to receive her first assignment.  On her way, Evelyne encounters David Pool whom she had previously worked with.  Evelyne is assigned to investigate an anonymous report that things have gone missing at Blackthorn Park, a facility that develops weapons.  David has also been assigned.  This time he will be Evelyne’s handler and not a field agent. 


Under the cover of night, Evelyne makes her way through the grounds to the manor house.  After picking the lock Evelyne hears a gunshot.  She dashes up the stairs and enters Sir Nigel’s office and finds the man dead of what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  Or is it?  Is it connected to the report of missing supplies?


I love reading historical fiction, especially from the timeframe of WWII.  Betrayal at Blackthorn Park was filled with mystery and intrigue. 


I enjoyed reading this book because of the main characters Evelyne and David.  Both characters were very likable and had an interesting relationship.  There was some attraction between the two.  But they were both professional and respected one another.  The author did a good job in describing the scenes and characters so the reader can visualize them.  There were lot of characters and many twists and turns.  I was trying to guess whodunit based on the evidence and possible suspects.  The book kept me guessing to the end. 


I really enjoyed reading Betrayal at Blackthorn Park by Julia Kelly and recommend it.  This was the second book in the Evelyne Redfern Mystery series, but it worked well as a standalone book.  Now I want to go back and read the first book in the series, A Traitor in Whitehall, and look forward to reading more of Julia Kelly’s books.  If you like historical fiction, mysteries, intrigue, and WWII history, be sure to read this book. 


I would like to thank St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Betrayal at Blackthorn Park by Julia Kelly.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Target Acquired by Lynette Eason – Suspense, Mystery, and a Little Romance

Target Acquired by Lynette Eason is the second book in the Lake City Heroes series.  It has two-timelines, one dates to the 1940’s and one takes place in the present.  The characters are from several families whose lives intersect both in the past and present day in the fictional town Lake City, North Carolina.  Like many families, life can be complicated and relationships are impacted.  Especially when sinful emotions like bitterness, anger, resentment are allowed to fester. 


The story starts out in the 1940’s with Eliza Crane who finds herself in state-run mental hospital and locked in her room.  She is hopeful that her friend Betsy will come to see her again, she is like a lifeline.  Eliza is being held against her will because of the allegations her father made that she tried to harm herself.  She is desperate to get out so she can be with her fiancé William. 


Fast forward to current day and we meet SWAT medic Kenzie King.  The SWAT team is under the leadership of Sergeant Cole Garrison.  Kenzie and Cole have known each other and their respective families since they were young.  Kenzie has had a challenging time trying to fit in with the team.  She is the only woman and a couple of the men are not sure she is the right person for the job.  It is causing division and they need to be able to work together as a team and have each other’s backs.


Added to the challenges of her new position, Kenzie seems to be the target of someone who is out to get her.  The attacks keep on happening and she is not safe in her own home or on the job.  Is it someone on the team that wants her to leave?  Or is it a stranger who wants her dead? 


I liked Cole’s character the best.  He was caring and developing good leadership skills.  Kenzie’s background is explained so we can understand her motivations.  She was intent on being tough and proving herself.  But I would like to have seen her character more fully developed.


I liked the suspense and mystery while trying to figure out who done it.  I enjoyed the friendships between the characters that were brought back from the first novel in this series, Double Take.  The friends were caring and supportive of each other.  It was a bit of a challenge to keep the characters straight because there were a lot of characters between the two timelines.  Thankfully, at the beginning of the book, the characters are listed with a brief description.  I would have liked have seen the character’s faith more developed.  Faith was briefly mentioned, but was not a big part of the story.


I would like to thank Revell Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Target Acquired by Lynette Eason.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...