Monday, December 30, 2024

The War on Sin Within

The following was inspired by the sermon preached yesterday, by our Associate Pastor Chris Teagle.  The Scripture was from James 4:1-10.  

A war wages within me

            Though I would like to think

                        It was a mistake

                        I made a bad choice

                        I was weak

            Indeed, I know

                        Sin has taken root

                        Within my heart


The pleasures I seek

            Provoke lust, hatred, and envy

            Result in fights and quarrels with others


Have I prayed

            Asked for help

            Or are my prayers

                        Rendered null and void

                        Because I ask with wrong motives

                        Corrupted by sin


Have I committed spiritual adultery

            Become a friend of this world

            A world that is at enmity with God

            Have I become God’s enemy


One thing I know

God loves His own

Those whom He has chosen

He loves with zeal

With a jealous love

Untainted by sin

Holy and pure


God desires that the Holy Spirit

            Indwell His people

            That our greatest desire will be for God

            He will aid us in our battle with sin

            Apply God’s word to our heart and mind






God is opposed to the proud

            Those who reject His grace

            Who refuse to repent

            Or fail to acknowledge their sin


But to the humble

            Those who recognize their desperate need

            That they have sinned against Holy God

            The One to whom they will give an account


God gives His grace

            Grace that is greater than all our sin

            Grace that lifts our burden of sin

            Grace that leads to sanctification and obedience


May I submit to the Lord

            Draw near to Him

            May I mourn and weep over my sin

            May I resist the devil and he will flee

            May this sinner cleanse her hands

            May I be single minded and focused on God


By Susan Wachtel 12/30/24

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