Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Day the Blogging Bug Bit!

Today marks 2nd Blogging Anniversary…and what an adventure it’s been. Indeed it is a happy anniversary. From the first day…when my fingers first hit those keys…I was bit by the blogging bug. Any of you who blog…know just what I mean.

As a regular listener to the Hugh Hewitt radio show that’s where I first heard about this thing called blogging. The more he talked…the more intrigued I was. You see I’ve always loved to write…I got to thinking what an avenue this could be. It had been years since I had written a paper…all the way back to my college days…and many, many years since I had written poems. But oh do I love to write. Lets just say…I never lack for an opinion and like to think I’m pretty logical and well reasoned in my arguments. People may disagree with my conclusions…but they will at least understand what I believe and why.

Two years ago on May 15, 2005…I started my blog. My first article…was notes from a sermon by my beloved former Pastor Chuck Obremski. It was a sermon entitled “Living Life In Light of Eternity – Life in the Intermediate Heaven”…part of a series of messages that we affectionately call the “Heaven Series”.

2005 was a very emotional time…in large part because of the battle my beloved Pastor Chuck Obremski had been fighting with cancer. Just months after stepping out in faith and following the Lord’s leading to established Kindred Community Church, Chuck was diagnosed with cancer. It was kind of confusing because God was definitely leading our church and then our Pastor was stricken with cancer. But make no mistake…this was part of God’s plan. Why exactly…I don’t know. But I do know that He has used it in a mighty and powerful way to bring glory, honor and praise to Christ Jesus.

Through this time our congregation rode the “cancer coater”…the ups and downs…highs and lows that come with good reports and the bad news that another spot was found. Praise God…Chuck kept the faith…and never lost sight of his Savior Jesus Christ. As a result…he did some of the best preaching. Sermons that God continues to use in the lives of hurting people. He uses them to transform lives…and bring people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

A lot of what I wrote about back then…revolved around Chuck and faith and trusting God during impossible times. God allowed me to be ministered to through the gift of writing. I was able to work things out on paper. An electronic journal of sorts.

When I first started blogging I met, via the web, David Fisher at Pilgrim Scribblings. David knew Chuck from baseball chapel days. He was following Chuck’s battle from afar. I was googling Chuck’s name…and discovered David. He’ll always hold first place in my heart. Precious David…was a great comfort to me and was amazed to see the work that God was doing through Chuck’s ministry. Thank you dear David…indeed you are dear…and I’ll be eternally grateful to you. David is also a mentor. A godly Christian man…who always encourages others and brings glory to his Savior Christ Jesus.

Through David…I met other Christian bloggers. People…is what makes blogging so compelling. Through it…I’m able to meet like minded souls…and kindred spirits. People like my dear Terry at Canadian Blogger. Terry is the most thoughtful of souls…and is always leaving an encouraging note or e-mail for all her blogger buds. Then there’s Janna at “Bread Crumbs”. Janna probably doesn’t know this…but she too is a mentor in that she is mature in her faith…and walks a lovely humble Christian walk. She is knowledgeable on Christian doctrine…and always seeks to build up the body of Christ. There is Debra at “As I See It Now”. I find Debra’s site ever so intriguing. She writes about life…but is open and transparent and shares from the heart. She makes the ordinary seem extraordinary. She has a lovely spirit. There is BJ at “Friends Are a Gift”…and indeed they are. BJ has heart for God, her family and friends. Terry, Janna, Debra and BJ…you are indeed Proverbs 31 women. Those are just few of my blogger buds. Thank you each of you for enriching me and others who have discovered your most excellent work and the lovely people that you are. Thank you for sharing Christ through your work.

In the intervening years…I’ve written a lot…just recently hit the 500 mark. Of those 500 articles…I’ve had my favorites. Like the article on Robert Wiltfang…and the “dancing episode”. Who would have thunk it? Then there were a few articles that have had a lot of response. The article on Tookie Williams execution and my Christian response to Shirley Phelps-Roper on her hate filled speech. Some articles are just me working through the faith issues. All too often…I come out at the end of a failure or mishap…and I’m working through the process. Of all of my favorites…are the poems. They were God’s gift to me…to help heal emotions and hurt. They captured a moment in time.

When I’m in the writing grove…things just flow…and I have to get out of the way. When I’m in that mode…articles and poems seem to write themselves. I hate it when I have a dry spell…when I want to write…but have problems putting three words together to form a sentence. It seems like lately…I’ve wanted to write…but haven’t had the time. I find…if I don’t write when the inspiration strikes…I loose it or it’s flat. On occasion…I have a thought that is ruminating in my mind. After I’ve mulled it over for some time…I’m then able to write that piece in a thoughtful manner.

One of the highlights of this blogging adventure was attending the GodBlogCon 2006 at Biola. I even got to meet Hugh Hewitt and sat with him during desert as he table hopped in order to meet a lot of folks. In the above picture I’m in the audience watching and listening to Hugh do his live remote. Later that evening…Hugh headed a panel discussion on Christian blogging. It was wonderful. I only wished that David, Terry, Janna, Debra and BJ could have been there too.

I thank you Jesus...for giving me the love of writing…and for this avenue….and for my many blogger friends. I’m ever so glad I was bit by that blogging bug…just two years ago today.

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