Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hard Work

“Relationships are really hard work!” he said.
Indeed they are,
But I’m glad to be doing that work with you.

When we step back...we clearly see,
God’s hand in bringing us together.
It’s very evident…plain for all to see.

As perfectly as He fitted us for one another,
We are being challenged,
By some of the differences we see.

He is the Potter…we are the clay,
We are continually being remolded,
Made into what He would have us be.

He’s bringing together,
A man and a woman,
With personalities that had nearly 50 years to set.

That “bringing together” is bound to hurt.
But thankfully,
It’s with someone I trust and respect.

May I never cease to marvel,
Even be amazed,
At how God has brought us together.

May we trust Him!
Eagerly anticipate what He is going to do,
With two souls yielded to the skillful Potter’s hands.

By Susan Bunts
May 19, 2008

Dedicated to Chris Wachtel...the one I love.

Both Chris and I marvel at how God has brought us together. We shake our heads in amazement that it’s only been two and a half months since we started dating. God turbo charged our relationship through the sickness and death of my mother...just a little over a month into our relationship. God used those circumstances to reveal Chris’ character...his emotional and spiritual maturity.

I’ve been speculating and teasing Chris that one day we are going to have our first argument. He tells me I’m a worry wart and it will be fine. Recently we both concluded that relationships are very hard work. But even with the work....it’s worth it.

It’s quite interesting bringing two people together that have been alone for close to 50 years. There’s the men/women difference and the personality differences. But I’ve got to say...while challenging...it sure helps when the person that’s meeting those challenges with me is someone whom I respect and trust. It’s a whole different ball game when it’s with a man who love the Lord and seeks to do God’s will before his own. Now that’s not only someone I can trust...but love.

I’m not the only one who’s happy Chris has come along. My kitty Rudy...loves Chris and is certain God brought Chris just for him.

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