Dare I touch on a delicate subject? One of which I am far from being an expert? A topic that will make some people feel uncomfortable and maybe even blush...or laugh?
Well laugh they might...but yes of course I will broach the subject of sex. I bring a different perspective. That of being a single Christian woman who has chosen to do things God’s way...and not follow the ways of the world, nor her own wisdom or be motivated solely based on my feelings
I wish I could say that I always approached it like that...but I didn’t. Thank you Lord for Your forgiveness, restoration and love. Thank You Lord for Your wisdom...contained in the best Owner’s Manual...The Bible!
I have not been left to follow my own wisdom...or navigate the path filled with the pitfalls of this world all alone. Instead, praise God...I can know what God would have me do...and how I can live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him. How I can live my life once I get married in a way that is pleasing to God and my husband. To be the wife and help mate that God has called me to be. To be the wife that my husband deserves.
Sometimes I don’t know how to respond to the “knowing laughs” or suggestive comments that come from those around us that assume that my fiancé and I are engaging in pre-marital sex or living together outside of marriage.
When and where it’s appropriate...I do make it clear that we are conducting this relationship according to how God would have us live. But sometimes...I’m not sure how to answer the person who gives raises their eye brows and teases me when I say how tired I am. Or what do I say to the waitress who comments how “hot” our table is because we are holding hands across the table? I don’t want to draw the fire of “the lady doth protest too much” comments if I try and dispute what they say.
I find it shocking when some of those comments come from fellow Christians. If not an expectation, there is at least a resignation that “everyone’s doing it” inherent in the looks, smiles and comments that have been coming my way. Even at times from those in the Christian community.
I find it very depressing and sad when a Christian fails to see sin as sin. When they take it in stride or worse yet...even laugh about.
But I must tell you...that as my wedding day approaches I am more excited everyday at the prospects of being married to Chris.
Where exactly is the excitement and expectation on “what’s to come” from someone whose living with their fiancé? Where is the delight in discovering one another for those who choose to partake before they are committed to one another before God and man? Especially for the Christian who is “living in sin”...there is an inherent guilt and conflict that’s going on inside.
But in doing things God’s way...there is excitement, joy and peace. I’m comfortable in knowing I’m not sinning before and against God. I’m not compromising and being a hypocrite before man. I’m not being poor witness of the Gospel message that I say I believe.
I see the fruits of standing by the power of God and living in a manner that is pleasing to Him. Best yet...I get to see if I really, truly believe what I have professed to believe for lo these many years. Yet when I feel weak and vulnerable...I can turn to my Savior Jesus Christ who can enable me to follow Him.
When I find myself tempted...I find encouragement to live right before God as I listen to my beloved former Pastor Chuck Obremski...a godly man, husband and father...whose marriage I greatly admired. In his series on Marriage & Family, Chuck shared wisdom and counsel from God’s word. He and his lovely wife Linda left a shining example of a godly marriage.
Even though I prayed to God for many years that I would be married...I never dared to dream that I would find a godly man who love the Lord. Who has committed his life and seeks God’s will and plan in his life and in our marriage.
It is with joy and excitement I look forward to our wedding day and life together as husband and wife.