Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sin and Sanctification

I visited a friend this weekend and her son Joshua shared about a great message he heard from Pastor John Piper about sin and sanctification.

For me…it’s not the big outward sins that I struggle with, like murder or adultery.  The sins that I struggle with and may even fail to recognize in myself are the sins of selfishness and pride.  It starts there and if given free reign I go down a very ugly path. 

Today I listened to John Piper’s message called, “I Act the Miracle.”  It was powerful and convicting, but also helped me to see the victory that believers already have in Jesus Christ.  If only we will start walking in that victory and fighting sin in us till the end.

You can download the message or listen on line.  Be prepared to be challenged. 

Thank you Pastor Piper for being open and transparent about sins people don’t like to admit to.  Thank you Joshua for sharing!


Joshua said...

Your welcome. The sermon was an eye opener for me as well, and God is definitely using it more and more for His glory in being aware of those subtle sins. That is what the Christian life is all about... striving in sanctification. May we strive towards that end so God's glory may shine brightly in our lives.

In Christ,
Joshua :)

Ken said...

Selfishness and pride can sure take us down a path we do not want to go. I think it is something we all struggle with...

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