Friday, December 09, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Color This Week Over

Color this week over, I’m glad it’s done.  It was a hard week, a challenging week in many ways: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It left me feeling blue.  I did some wrestling with God this week in prayer.  There were tears shed.  I wondered if my prayers did any good.  It seems I pray and pray and pray, but it comes to naught.  Right about then God does a big work in the life of someone I’ve been praying for.  It kind of feels like a poke in the chest and God saying, “See I hear your prayers and I do answer them, but in My time frame and according to My plan.” 

After struggling with prayer today, I realized that it was the enemy trying to discourage me.  When I got a hold of that…I prayed those faithful prayers, that Lord willing He will answer.  Especially the prayers for the salvation of my family and friends, Lord willing.

This post is being linked to 5-Minute Friday, where you simply write for 5 minutes without worrying if it's right or not.  


diana said...

It is amazing that God has his very own timetable in mind, eh? Thanks for you faithfulness in praying, Susan. Holding others before God's throne is such a privilege - and a calling, too. Blessings.

Wanda said...

Oh Susan, I have those days or weeks that I very much would like to repaint. The good things is that even when our week is filled with drab colors, the colors eventually change.

Sandy said...

Hard days, hard weeks, we all have them and will until the Lord returns. Glad yours ended on a better note. We have to always stir ourselves up to keep praying, don't we? We may never know until we reach heaven just what fruit came out of our faithfulness to intercede for others.
Be blessed~

susanwalkergirl said...

Hello Diana, Wanda and Sandy,

Thank you, each one of you for your words of encouragement. This is the only time when we can walk by faith. In heaven our faith will give way to sight. May we all be found faithful to the Lord who is faithful.

Hear my prayer, O LORD, Give ear to my supplications! In Your faithfulness answer me, And in Your righteousness. Psalm 143:1


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