Saturday, February 11, 2012

Five Minute Friday – Trusting God

When I saw today’s word for Five Minute Friday was trust, I was pleased because that’s a subject I’m familiar with. 

I guess I could go into all sorts of reasons psychological and otherwise why trust is hard for me, but at the end of the day I still need to learn to trust.  I need to be able to trust people and more importantly I need to trust God.

Obviously, any obstacle to trusting God is within me and not related to God.  When I’ve felt it was hard to trust God, it’s not because He’s changed or that He’s not good, or that He has selfish motives behind what He’s doing in my life.

Trusting God has been a twofold process for me.  The most important and influential piece that has helped me to trust God more is to know the word of God.  To read the Bible on my own, participate in an in-depth study and sit under the teaching of Pastors who are scripturally grounded and unafraid to preach the word, in season and out of season. 

In studying the Bible, I see what the Lord does in the lives of other people and what happens when people choose to sin or to remain steadfast and obedient to God.  I see the realities of life: sickness, pain, death and sorrow will touch each life and I can be certain that I won’t escape them either.  It would be unrealistic to expect that God will or should exempt me from the difficult things of life.

The second thing that has helped me learn to trust is to walk with God over time.  I see mercy God’s goodness and faithfulness to me.  I see His and compassion even when I don’t deserve it.  I reap the consequences of my poor sinful choices and know that my heavenly Father disciplines me. 

Trust for me has been both a learning thing and a faith thing.

This post is being linked to Gypsy Mama’s 5-Minute Friday where you simply write for 5 minutes without worrying if it's right or not.  Head on over and give it a try!


♥ my diary♥ said...

amen..great post...we do trust God..only we have to lean on him on daily you said difficulties of life as sick and pain..we wont escape them either..many times i see people walking with God so faitfully and suffer the most...but as i told my husband..everything has a reason..we just have to trust..i needed to hear this sister..God bless you have a nice weekend...

Anonymous said...

you are right- time is a great thing. in looking back over my life i can see where if i had trusted i would have been better off! and i can look back and see where i did trust and know i need that feeling in my life again. great post!

Wanda said...

Hi Susan, trust has not come easy for me as well. I like that you pointed out the ways you have been able to develop your trust.

Sandy said...

I think it's always healthy to look within ourselves when there is a problem of any kind in our walk, whether it's trust or anything else. God doesn't change or make mistakes but we do. Trust can be hard or easy depending on how close we are to the Lord during the time we may need to trust most. I enjoyed this post and found it encouraging.
Blessings on your day!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Susan, trust is about having faith that there is One who is ever-faithful. However, most of us need to walk gingerly in this faith-trust thing until we experience that faithfulness. So thankful you have!

Alida Sharp said...

Amen! Reading His word and seeing what He does in the lives of others truly does help me build trust. He is so faithful to His people!

Ken said...

Hi Susan,
Yes, spending time in His Word, learning and growing, then applying Scripture to our lives, we learn to trust in God. God is faithful and will lead us through our trials.

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