Tuesday, September 11, 2012

For You and Not Against You

How easy it is to grumble and complain
About everything you are not
Than bring you before the throne of grace in prayer

How easy it is to focus on what you say or don’t say
Do or don’t do
Rather than be concerned if my own heart is right before the Lord

How easy it is to forget that I am for you
And not against you
That I have been called to come alongside you and be your champion

Lord, help me to focus on what You are calling me to be
To remove the plank from my own eye
In humility help remove the speck from another’s eye

by Susan Wachtel
September 11, 2012


Wanda said...

Amen, may we take not the easy road.

Denise said...

This is lovely Susan; in humility we can't focus on ourselves, but rather we need to completely submit to God and die to ourselves, because we can’t be full of God if we are full of ourselves! :)

Blessings and hugs,

Sandy said...

Agreed, Susan. This is wonderful.

Ken said...

Hi Susan,
It is sure nice to know that Jesus is for me and not against me. Thank you for sharing and many blessings,

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