Saturday, March 09, 2013

Five Minute Friday – Not Home Yet

Daily I am reminded
I am not home yet

For I am a stranger
Living in a strange land

A foreigner in a land
Not my own

An ambassador waiting for the King
To call me home before the battle begins

A bride waiting
For the Bridegroom to come take me to the Father’s house

For He has gone
To prepare a place for me

He promised that where He is
There I shall be also

He will come and take me home
And all who proclaim Christ as Lord

We will soon be removed
Before the great and dreadful Day of the Lord begins

When God’s wrath will be poured out
On those who reject God with a hardened heart

Those who close their eyes
In willful blindness

On those who plug their ears
Least they hear the truth and believe

Of God’s promises I am certain
I look back and see His faithful deliverance

I see Noah and his family
Shut in the ark, the door closed by God Himself

Lot and his family were removed before judgment began
Then the Lord rained down brimstone and fire from heaven

The Lord struck down the firstborn of Egypt
But passed over the children of Israel, seeing the blood of the Lamb

I am confident that there is a generation
Who in the twinkling of an eye will be snatched away, caught up

But the dead in Christ will rise first
Together they will be reunited and taken home

Join together with the Bridegroom
At the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

By Susan Wachtel
March 9, 2013

I confess that today I wrote for longer than five minutes. 

It’s another Saturday morn and I participating in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Fridaywriting challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.


Denise said...

Such a lovely post.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the ultimate home-story! Beautifully written. I wrote for more than five minutes too. It seems to be a subject that calls for it. :) Here from FMF. Thank you for writing!

Wanda said...

Yes the place my soul yearns to be.

The War on Sin Within

The following was inspired by the sermon preached yesterday, by our Associate Pastor Chris Teagle.  The Scripture was from James 4:1-10.   A...