Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jim Allis - A Heart for God


It’s been over 2 ½ years since I first started corresponding with Jim Allis.

One of the best things about the internet is the friendships that you make with people, some who are far away, with whose hearts you are knit together and who share a love for the Lord.

In those ensuing years since we started corresponding, we have prayed for one another as we go through various trials and tribulations.  Over the last year, the genuineness of Jim and Joy’s faith has been proven true through trials they’ve faced.  Their love for the Lord did not fail them.  Instead they continued to be God’s faithful witnesses wherever God led them.

Jim Allis has been a pastor and evangelist for over 40 years in England.  He and his wife Joy love the Lord, His Word, the lost and fellow believers.  The Allis’ know the power of God’s Word to save us and keep us.  They know firsthand the power of God’s Word to convict, convince, rebuke, encourage and strengthen us.

Out of his passion for evangelism and a desire to equip believers Jim’s has been writing weekly articles called “Think Spot”.  He also records them and Joy closes with a prayer.

Just recently, with the help of Joy’s son Mark, Jim has started a website where he has made the materials he has worked on over the years available to readers.  If you prefer podcasts as opposed to reading, there are many resources available for the listener.  More materials are being posted every day.

I encourage you to head on over to Jim Allis’ website and bookmark it as a favorite and visit weekly.  Be sure to leave a word of encouragement to this man who is faithful and uncompromising when it comes to handling the Word of God.

A special thank you to Wanda at The Watered Soul for inviting me to participate in her weekly Five for Friday article.  (I’m a wee bit late being that it’s Sunday.) Wanda’s is another website you should check out.  She shares from her heart and highlights many Christian websites and resources.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Broken Lives


It seems all around me

I see fragile lives

And broken people


Broken lives

Broken hearts and minds

Broken bodies, souls and spirits


Broken by sin

Selfishness, pride and arrogance

Sickness and disease


Left to our own devices

We are undone and without hope

Destined to a Christless eternity


But there is One

To Whom we can turn

The One who forgives, heals and restores


One God

One Father, One Son and One Spirit

One Way to salvation thru Jesus Christ the Lord


In Christ we are freed from sin

That so easily entangles us

God forgives us completely and we are restored


He gives us a new nature

We are dead to sin

Alive to Christ


He walks with us through every trial

Equips us for every battle, every day

One day He will lead us home victoriously


by Susan Wachtel

July 27, 2013


It’s another Saturday morn and I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.






Saturday, July 06, 2013

Five Minute Friday – The Beautiful Cross

Whenever I see a cross
I found myself drawn to it

An instrument of cruel torture, punishment and death
Has become something quite beautiful to me

For it is on the cross my Savior died
The sinless Son of God

He bore my sin debt
Paid the price I could never pay

His precious blood was shed
So that I could be free

When I confessed with my mouth
Believed with my heart that Jesus Christ is Lord

I was forgiven and set free from the penalty of sin
Freed from the power of sin and one day the presence of sin

In Christ, the chains of sin that once bound me
Have been broken

I have been sealed
With the Holy Spirit of promise

Assured that one day
I will be with my Lord Jesus Christ in glory

by Susan Wachtel
July 6, 2013

It’s another Saturday morn and I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

A Prayer for America – Independence Day 2013

Lord may I remember and not take for granted the sacrifices of our founding fathers that helped established a nation built on core Biblical principles.  I thank You that they were willing to endure personal hardship and great loss.  I thank you for their gifted and disciplined minds which drafted our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

I thank You that our government was set up in such a way that wrongs could be righted and slavery abolished, and all citizens given the right to vote.  That though we are not all that we should be, we aren’t what we used to be.

Thank You that our nation doesn’t seek and welcome only the elite, but those who are poor and downtrodden, hungry and in need of refuge.

Lord, I thank You for the men and women who have served, fought and defended this nation.  I thank You for the sacrifice of those who paid the ultimate price.  I pray that we will be a people who show gratitude and not take their sacrifice for granted.  That we will appreciate the rights and freedom we have been granted and be willing to fight for them with courage and conviction.

Lord on this day when we celebrate the birth of our nation 237 year ago, I am grieved over the sins of our nation in so many areas.  I pray that You would soundly and swiftly rebuke the judges who give approval to that which You have declared sin.

I pray for the salvation our leaders, in all areas of government, whose beliefs are in opposition to Your Word.  Those whose lives bear the fruit of unrighteousness and ungodliness.  I pray that You will expose lies and wrongdoing.  That You will soundly and swiftly punish those who have broken the law.  That You will bring about a godly sorrow that leads to repentance.

I pray that You will wake up Your church.  That men and women will read, study, listen and obey Your Word.  That they will leave churches whose pastors tickle their ears and make them feel good.  That You will move in the hearts and minds of pastors so that they will boldly preach and proclaim Your Word with confidence.  Knowing that Your Word is active and alive, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.  That it is able to convict, rebuke and bring people to repentance and faith in Christ Jesus.

I pray that You will open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf and turn hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.  That You will break the chains of those who are trapped in false religions, self-righteousness or atheism.  That You will save them from their sin for Your namesake and glory.  That they will be trophies of Your abundant grace and mercy.

Lord, I pray that You will burden the hearts and minds of Your people to pray and be faithful and true witnesses right where You have planted them…in their family, neighborhood and workplace.  I pray that Your church would be sanctified, holy, set apart and dedicated unto You.

Lord, turn this nation around.  May we be a godly nation, a shining light on a hill.  Lord, instead of asking for You to bless America, I pray that America would bless You, honor and glorify You.

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...