Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jim Allis - A Heart for God


It’s been over 2 ½ years since I first started corresponding with Jim Allis.

One of the best things about the internet is the friendships that you make with people, some who are far away, with whose hearts you are knit together and who share a love for the Lord.

In those ensuing years since we started corresponding, we have prayed for one another as we go through various trials and tribulations.  Over the last year, the genuineness of Jim and Joy’s faith has been proven true through trials they’ve faced.  Their love for the Lord did not fail them.  Instead they continued to be God’s faithful witnesses wherever God led them.

Jim Allis has been a pastor and evangelist for over 40 years in England.  He and his wife Joy love the Lord, His Word, the lost and fellow believers.  The Allis’ know the power of God’s Word to save us and keep us.  They know firsthand the power of God’s Word to convict, convince, rebuke, encourage and strengthen us.

Out of his passion for evangelism and a desire to equip believers Jim’s has been writing weekly articles called “Think Spot”.  He also records them and Joy closes with a prayer.

Just recently, with the help of Joy’s son Mark, Jim has started a website where he has made the materials he has worked on over the years available to readers.  If you prefer podcasts as opposed to reading, there are many resources available for the listener.  More materials are being posted every day.

I encourage you to head on over to Jim Allis’ website and bookmark it as a favorite and visit weekly.  Be sure to leave a word of encouragement to this man who is faithful and uncompromising when it comes to handling the Word of God.

A special thank you to Wanda at The Watered Soul for inviting me to participate in her weekly Five for Friday article.  (I’m a wee bit late being that it’s Sunday.) Wanda’s is another website you should check out.  She shares from her heart and highlights many Christian websites and resources.


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