Thursday, October 03, 2013


“Beware of the Bareness of Busyness”

When I heard that quote, my ears perked up…that’s it!  That describes my life the last few months.  It’s getting busier and busier and I feel emptier and emptier. 

I’m busy at work, I’m busy at home…and there is very little downtime.  The pace is too much!  There’s no let up.

I spend time in Word of God in the morning and at night.  I pray.  When I go to lunch or on my drive home, I listen to Bible studies or worship music…but there’s something still missing.

My life feels lifeless. 

I think it’s because during my day, I’m not taking the time to listen to that still small voice.  I'm not hearing God’s gentle whisper or even His shouting to get my attention.  My attention is elsewhere.

I don’t take the time to write it down and think about it.  To see where it applies to my life.  I'm not taking time to enjoy the gifts that God has given me.  Nor taking the time to say thank You.

When people aren’t listening to me…I stop talking to them.  I don’t want to waste my time.

Does God ever feel like that? 

Perhaps God’s silence, His deafening silence, is finally getting my attention.  Oh Lord…help me to hear You, to really listen and obey. 


Wanda said...

Hi Susan, when I read that in quote in my reader it really struck a cord with me. Busyness gives the illusion of productivity but it's often the moments I feel the least growth in my life. You've been in my thoughts lately.

Ceil said...

Hi Susan! I am coming over from Wanda's blog. You were chosen as one of her Five favorites for the week.

I can see why! I had a major wake up call in the last year with busyness. I was taking on things I had no business doing. So heavy!

God's silence is a good way to put it. Although I am sure my mind was too crazy to hear the small voice. I join you in your prayer today, to hear the Lord clearly.

I'll be your newest follower! I love finding new blogs that express such faith :)

susanwalkergirl said...

Dear Wanda and Ceil,

Thank you for stopping by and sharing from your experiences.

I'm looking forward to a time away with my husband as we celebrate our anniversary. Hope to have some downtime and reconnect with God and with my husband.

Ceil...I look forward to stopping by your blog.

Lord bless...Susan

Rhapsody Phoenix said...

You need to fit you into the equation. You need to take time/give yourself permission to stop, breathe, replenish your spirit and strengthen your soul.


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