Sunday, November 29, 2015

Faithful & Sudden

Prayers uttered in faith
Recalling God’s faithfulness in the past
Counting on His trustworthiness in the future
My God, He never changes

Days turn into weeks
Weeks into months
Yet, still there is no answer
My God, He is at work in ways we cannot see

One day, there will be a breakthrough
One day, His answer will come
Suddenly, swiftly
I must be prepared to move when He says go

Tonight, when there seems to be silence from heaven
When deliverance is far from my sight
I pray and I will praise my God
Confident, that one day soon, my deliverance will come

By Susan Wachtel
November 29, 2015

Friday, November 06, 2015

The Broad Road Church

My spirit is sobered
When I read Your Word
Only to find the prophesies
That some will abandon the faith

Even now I see signs of heresy
Blasphemy uttered from lips
Of those who call themselves Christian

It’s visible in the pulpit
Pastors and teachers
Even worship leaders are not immune
Leading astray the unwise sheep who sit in the pew

Seminaries once strong
No longer bastions of truth
Heretical teaching is commonplace
Unbelieving professors are wolves in sheep’s clothing

The full counsel of God’s Word is not taught
It’s been replaced with feel good “sermons”
God’s clear condemnation of sin is ignored
Immorality and unrepentant sinners embraced

Men are given the title of pastor
The truth be told
Some are nothing more than motivation speakers
Catering to the audience and tickling their ears

Pastors, there’s no need to study hard
Or accurately divide the Word of truth
Instead, find a readymade sermon online
Buy it today, preach it tomorrow

Even pastors who once seem solid
Elevate themselves; not God
Read their own books from the pulpit
Set aside the inerrant Word of God

There’s another book to hock
CD albums are ready to sell
Is the Word of God free and unfettered
No, but it’s available for a small fee

Preachers who should know better
Align themselves with false teachers
Come alongside those whose motivation is tainted
Fueled by pride, applause and the love of money

Sin is seldom mentioned
Truth, no longer spoken
For fear of causing offense
Or driving away those with deep pockets

Salvation found through Christ alone
Is so very narrow minded
The narrow road that leads to life is not mentioned
By those on the broad road leading to destruction

Father, You have forewarned us
Of the deception that will take place
The falling away of those who were with us, but not of us
Evidenced in fact that they did not remain

Father, may we abide and remain in Christ
Keep us in Your Word daily
Holy Spirit, give us wisdom and discernment
Raise up men who will unashamedly preach the Word

by Susan Wachtel
November 6, 2015

Tuesday, November 03, 2015


Jesus and His disciples
Departed for the other side
To the Gadarenes
For a divine appointment was in store

Two demon-possessed men
So wild and violent, no one dared to pass by
They lived among the tombs
The spiritually dead among the physically dead

When they saw Him
They knew, it was God incarnate
The Son of God stood before them
The One Whom they had rebelled against in eternity past

They knew their day was coming
For torment and eternal punishment
They cried, “What have we to do with You, Jesus”
They begged Him, “Cast us into the herd of swine”

He commanded, “Be gone!”
The demons obeyed, departed and entered the swine
At breakneck speed they hurled themselves
Over a cliff, headlong into the sea and drown

Quickly the herdsmen departed
Made their way into the city
They declared all that had happened
Including a tale about tormented men set free

The townsmen made their way to Jesus
They witnessed for themselves
Two formerly demon-possessed men
Now clothed and in their right minds

They were overcome
With great fear
Urgently pleaded with Jesus
Depart from here

Before Jesus departed
One man begged to come with Him
“No,” He responded, “Depart”
“Proclaim to all you encounter what God has done for you.”

by Susan Wachtel
November 3, 2015

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...