Sunday, December 23, 2018

Delayed Justice by Cara Putman – Law, Justice, Intrigue - A Delicate Topic Handled with Care

When I first read the description of Delayed Justice by Cara Putman there was a part of me that wanted to read it.  I love books about the law and justice that are filled with intrigue.  But the subject matter, sexual abuse of children, almost made me shy way.  I’m glad that I didn’t let that stop me, because this was a really good book. 

Delayed Justice is about a public defender, Jamie Nichols, who has finally come to a place of healing in her own life.  She has found her voice to speak up and bring to justice the man who took away her childhood.  But she will be up against political forces who will stop at nothing to shut her up.  Chandler Bolton, a former Vet, has scars of his own but now works to help former Vets integrate into life back home in the United States.  Together they will have the opportunity to help a young girl get justice and begin to heal, in part through the use of a therapy dog Aslan. 

I especially liked the friendships that Jamie had with Caroline, Hayden, Emilie and Savannah.  They were the kind of friends you want in your corner.  They were there for Jamie when she needed them and even when she didn’t know it.  I appreciated how Jamie’s parents responded when hearing for the first time what their daughter endured as a child and how they came alongside her to be there for her as she sought justice.  I loved Chandler and his patient and tender approach as he sought to get to know this intriguing and heroic young woman. 

Cara did a great job in handling a sensitive and delicate topic which has affected far too many people and left indelible scars.  She was able to tell the stories of Jamie and Tiffany and what happened to them without going into graphic details.  She kept the focus on the people and used the story to help make known some of the ways child sexual abuse may impact survivors long after childhood.  Seeking justice and healing the emotional and cognitive scars can happen.  It takes time and support.  I appreciated how Cara included the Christian faith and wove it into the characters and storyline. 

I highly recommended Delayed Justice by Cara Putman.  Her legal background and research came through to help make a really good novel.  Cara’s writing is new to me and I look forward to discovering her earlier work.

I would like to thank BookLook and Thomas Nelson Publishers for the opportunity to read Delayed Justice in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Defiant Faith

She has a defiant faith
One that rests
Not in her circumstances
But in God alone

When her prayers seem to be unanswered
And God is silent
She strengthens her heart mind soul and spirit
In God’s perfect and inerrant Word

When others give way to doubt or fear
She instead sets her mind on Christ
And remembers His benefits
Her soul bursts forth in worship and praise

She knows of her heavenly Father’s great love
Before the foundation of the world was laid
He called her to salvation through His Beloved Son’s sacrifice
He has sealed her with the Holy Spirit

If He has met her greatest needs
Surely, He will care for her needs today
She chooses to trust God as He has revealed Himself to be
Her confidence rests in His unchanging, merciful lovingkindness

She has a defiant faith, a confident faith
One that does not waver
Like a light that does not dim
She rests secure in the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ

By Susan Wachtel
December 19, 2018

To a strong woman of God who is trusting God in her time of waiting upon the Lord. 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Hidden Peril by Irene Hannon – Intrigue, Suspense and Romance

When given the opportunity to read Irene Hannon’s newest book, Hidden Peril, I jumped at the chance.  She’s quickly become one of my favorite writers.  This is the second book in the Code of Honor series and characters Kristin, Colin and Rick continue on this in this book with Kristin as the main focus. 

Hidden Peril is a gripping and suspenseful mystery, but it’s a little different because terrorism is part of the plot.  When you see stories on the news about ISIS and terrorism you don’t think it’s going to impact your everyday life.  But what if it did? 

Kristin Dane is not your ordinary woman.  After graduating college, she served in the Peace Corp in Ethiopia for two years.  When she returned home, she still had a vision to try and make a difference for good in the lives of people who live in war-torn countries.  When Luke Carter meets Kristin at the wedding of a mutual friend, he probably didn’t anticipate encountering her again, especially in his role as police detective.  Luke’s path intersects with this intriguing and beautiful woman when one of Kristin’s employees is found dead.  Is the death of a monk 10,000 miles away in Syria possibly connected? 

One of my favorite things about Irene’s writing are the characters.  They are good, decent, nice people that you’d like to know.  They grow, change and heal the brokenness in their lives.  In this book, you see wonderful examples of committed friendship between Kristin, Colin and Rick. 

Hidden Peril was very suspenseful and kept me guessing to the end.  Though I suspected who the bad guy was, I didn’t know how that would be revealed and what would happen to the people at the end of the story.

I greatly appreciate that Irene Hannon is able to write good books, with interesting likable characters and intriguing situations without resorting to filthy language, or immoral sexual situations.  I appreciate how she weaves the Christian faith into the character’s lives.

If you like intrigue, mystery and romance, be sure to read Hidden Peril by Irene Hannon.  It’s another great read by a wonderful author.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Revell Publishers for the opportunity to read Hidden Peril in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock – Relatable & Heartwarming

Terri Blackstock is on my list of writers, that when they write a new book, I want to read it.  I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read her newest book Catching Christmas. 

This story is a little different than most of Terri’s books.  The book centers around three people, Finn, Sydney and Callie, who don’t have a lot in common.  But circumstances have a way of creating some unusual bonds, especially around Christmas. 

Take Finn for example, he’s a cab driver and for him, time is money.  His life is about to get more complicated when he picks up his next fare.  Callie, an older woman in a wheelchair, seems to be taking a little nap when Finn arrives and she needs transportation to a doctor’s appointment.  Who in the world sends their grandmother to the doctor via a cab?  Meet Sydney, Callie’s granddaughter, who is burning the candle at both ends and just trying to keep her new job, thus the cab for her grandmother. 

Terri has way of making her characters very relatable and real.  My favorite character was Finn, a little gruff on the outside, but deep down he has a tender heart, a guilty conscience and wants to get it right this time.  Callie reminds me of my mom in her latter years.  Only with Callie…I could laugh at some of the embarrassing uncomfortable moments.  I related to Sydney too and felt like I had walked in her shoes.

The Christian faith is talked about some in this book.  Callie is a Christian and she loves Jesus and talks to Him and about Him to others. 

Catching Christmas is a heartwarming book to read for the Christmas holiday season.  It’s a short book, so even if your schedule is busy, you’ll be able to find time to read Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock.

I would like to thank BookLook and Thomas Nelson Publishers for the opportunity to read Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Hidden Among the Stars by Melanie Dobson – Satisfying & Intriguing

It was the title, Hidden Among the Stars, that first caught my attention.  The storyline drew me in and made me want to read Melanie Dobson’s newest book, an author whose writing is new to me.

The story takes place in two periods of time and in two places that intersect as character Callie tries to find out who Luzia and Annika were and if perchance if one of them was related to her beloved friend Charlotte. 

Luzia, Annika, Max and Hermann lived in Austria during the late 1930’s and their lives were forever changed as the were caught up in the war when the Nazi’s swept in to Austria.  Eighty years later and 5,000 miles away, Callie is drawn into trying to solve a mystery that was discovered in a children’s book.  Will Callie step outside her comfort zone to solve a mystery and discover the truth?  Will she let down her walls long enough to open herself the possibility of finding love once again?

Hidden Among the Stars was very different kind of book, but I really liked it.  I especially liked the characters from the 1930’s in Austria.  The characters came to life and the situations that they faced as their beloved country was overrun by evil was very compelling.  How would they respond when the anti-Jewish Nazi mentality grew and overwhelmed Austrians?  Fellow neighbors, were they now friend or foe?  Would they protect and try to help their Jewish neighbors?  It was both horrifying and captivating to see what they faced and how they responded to evil in their midst. 

The modern-day part of the story took a little while for me to get used to because it was written in the first person, but the rest of the story was not.  After a while, I got used to it.  While I liked the characters, they didn’t seem as real or rich as the 1930’s characters. 

The author includes faith in her story and the Gospel message was shared.  I appreciated that the author didn’t include profanity or sexual immorality in the story.  She delicately handled a scene where one of the characters was raped.   

As the story unfolded, I figured out some of the mystery, but not all of it.  It kept me guessing until the end. 

I would describe the book as satisfying and intriguing.  It unfolds and develops slowly, but that’s okay because you are learning about the characters and what they are going through.  There is some about this book that is almost poetic, probably most visible in the character of Callie.

I recommend Hidden Among the Stars by Melanie Dobson.  If you like mystery, intrigue or historical fiction you may enjoy this book.   

I would like to thank Tyndale House Publishers for the opportunity to read Hidden Among the Stars in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Five Minute Friday – Handpicked Burdens

I’m so grateful to be participating in today’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  If you like to write or need some inspiration and encouragement from others be sure to check it out. 

Today word prompt:  Burden

The burdens the Lord brings
Or allows into our lives
He never meant for us to carry them alone

He has a good purpose and plan
A design for each one
He knows our burdens and cares for each one of us

A burden that will cause us
To repent of our sin
Cry out to the Lord for forgiveness

A burden that will reveal
Our weakness and deep abiding need
Cause us to depend and rely upon the Lord

A burden that will grow and change us
Take us from selfish and self-focused
Develop a compassionate and caring heart

The Lord invites us to cast our burdens upon Him
He is the Lord and daily bears our burdens
We in turn are to bear one another’s burdens

Won’t you come to the One who invites you
Take Christ’s yoke upon you and learn
For His yoke is easy and His burden is light

Susan Wachtel
November 9, 2018

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Chosen People by Robert Whitlow – Intrigue, Suspense & Interesting Characters – A Story That Kept Me Guessing to the End

One of my favorite authors that I’ve discovered in recent years is Robert Whitlow.  If he writes a new book, I want read.  I’m so glad that I was able to read Robert’s newest release Chosen People.

This book is a little different than other novels I’ve read by Robert Whitlow.  Like his other books, it involves attorneys and law, but Chosen People is set against the backdrop Islamic terrorism.  It includes characters that are from the Middle East and shows the impact of terrorism at a personal level. 

Hana Abboud, an attorney working at law firm in Atlanta, is from Israel and is of Arab descent and a Christian which adds some interesting dynamics and cultural views to the storyline.  Jakob Brodsky, a secular Jewish attorney has agreed to help Ben Neumann and his daughter Sadie bring a lawsuit against any organization or company that funded the terrorists that left his wife Gloria dead and their daughter Sadie seriously injured.

With her background and experience in Israel, Hana is the right attorney to handle this case, if she’s willing.  Jakob is going to batt for a family that may not have much of a case to stand on, much less the deep pockets necessary to handle the comprehensive research and to track down people who funded these morally reprehensible murderers.

Will there be any justice for the Neumann family?  Will the big law firm be willing to take a risk on this case which may go no where or run into many costly obstacles along the way?  Will Hana be willing to take on a case that will bring up ugly savage images that will never leave her memory?  How will she be able to handle this case long distance from Atlanta?  Who will she be able to trust to be her boots on the ground in Israel to investigate the terrorists who perpetrated this savage attack?  Was Jakob’s attack related to the investigation, or was it just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Mixed into the storyline is faith, Christian, Jewish, Islamic and agnostic. 

I enjoyed the likable characters, found the storyline intriguing and suspenseful as people put their lives on the line to investigate and bring terrorists and those that support them to justice.

I give Chosen People a big thumbs up and recommend it highly.  Robert Whitlow knows how to write great fiction, from interesting characters to a storyline that weaves together intrigue, suspense and faith.  This one kept me guessing to the end. 

I would like to thank Thomas Nelson Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Robert Whitlow’s new book Chosen People in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Five Minute Friday – It Only Takes a Moment

It’s been a while since I’ve participated in the Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  But it feels so good to dive back in.  If you like to write or need some inspiration and encouragement from others be sure to check it out. 

Today word prompt:  Moment

It only takes a moment
For everything in your life to change

One moment
And things will never be the same again

Sometimes those are good moments
Filled with happiness, excitement and joy

Other times, it’s a sad or desperate moment
One that you will look back on and wonder
What if
If only
I wish

The thing of it is
We don’t know when those moments are coming

We don’t know
When it will be the last time…
You’ll see that loved one alive
Or the last time you get to say I love you
The final time you will hear their voice
The last message that will come across your phone

When that moment comes
Only then you realize…
No more chances to say I’m sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me
No more opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ
No longer can you tell them what they’ve meant to you
Your words of encouragement will not be heard by the one who needs it the most

No longer will you be able to hold their hand
Look into their eyes
Laugh together so hard it makes you cry
Hug them and feel them hold you tight

So today
For a moment
Take a moment
To be with
To do or say
That which you can’t do
When the one you love has been taken away

Susan Wachtel
October 26, 2018

In light of the recent death of my brother, Michael Bunts, I’m very aware of those moments that have passed and I can’t get back or do over. 

When a fellow Christian dies you miss them, are profoundly sad and grieve their loss.  But it’s a grief with hope in the knowledge that their life is not over and you will see them again in heaven.  They are in the presence of God, where we long to be.

But when it’s someone who doesn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ, or hasn’t repented of their sin and put their faith in the complete and finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, that’s a sadness without hope for their eternal security.

Even in that profound sadness and loss…there is always hope for the believer based on who God is.  Sovereign, Righteous, Holy, Holy, Holy, Compassionate, Truth, Deliverer, Refuge, Strong Tower, Strength, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Great High Priest, Everywhere Present, Creator, Eternal, Without Beginning and Without End, The Good Shepherd, The Way, The Truth and the Life, The Narrow Gate, Without Sin, Pure, The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World, Resurrected Savior, Kind, Patient, the Mighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Son of God, Immanuel, Messiah, Wrathful, Punishes the Wicked, Merciful, Gracious, Just, Judge…and so much more.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Jacob – Being Transformed by Amazing Grace – The Bible Teacher’s Guide – by Gregory Brown – Comprehensive, Insightful & Interesting Bible Study About Jacob

One of my favorite books of the Bible, both to read and study, is the book of Genesis.  One of the characters I’ve struggled to understand is Jacob.  That’s why I was excited when Pastor, Teacher and Author Gregory Brown asked if I would like to read his newest Bible study, Jacob – Being Transformed by Amazing Grace. 

This Bible study on Jacob is comprehensive.  Pastor Brown does not shy away from taking a closer look at some Jacob’s uglier character flaws, sin patterns and the sinful choices he made.  He also shows us areas of growth and faith in Jacob’s walk with God.  Additionally, he looks at the people in Jacob’s life, like his parents, brother, wives and children and we see how Jacob’s life impacted and influenced them.  Lest we think we are far superior to Jacob, there are some very convicting application questions and insightful commentary that will help us learn from Scripture and apply what we learn to our own lives. 

Pastor Brown uses Scripture to interpret Scripture.  He studies the Scripture in context, line by line, verse by verse.

A few areas that Pastor Brown focuses on are:  Signs of Not Trusting God, Equipped in God’s Boot Camp, Protecting our Families from Sin and Dysfunctionality, Faithfully Following God, Living Out Our New Identity in Christ and the Consequences of Neglecting God. 

Even though Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived over 4,000 years ago, their lives and what God did in their individual lives and families is very relevant to us today.  We can learn about who God is and who He has revealed Himself to be and how that should impact our lives. 

This Bible study would be good for a small group study, an individual Bible study or to help someone prepare to teach from the book of Genesis about the life of Jacob.

I would like to thank Pastor Gregory Brown for the opportunity to read his latest Bible Teacher’s Guide on Jacob – Being Transformed by Amazing Grace.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Through the Autumn Air by Kelly Irvin – A Real Gem and Lovely Read

One of my favorite things is when I find a book that I love by an author whose work is new to me.  I found a gem in Through the Autumn Air by Kelly Irvin.  I absolutely loved this book, from the moment I first started reading it.  I haven’t read a lot of Amish themed novels, but there was something about storyline that caught my attention. 

Mary Katherine Ropp is a sixty-year-old widow and her last daughter is getting married.  Most in the community would have her living with one of her married children and helping to raise her grandchildren.  But Mary Katherine isn’t like most Amish women.  She’s little bit spunky, independent, she likes to read, write stories and even dares to dream about opening a book store with her English friend Dottie.  Also, part of the community is Ezekiel Miller who has been widowed for many years.  In spite of grief, he kept family going through his business the Purpose Martin Café.  Both Mary Katherine and Ezekiel can’t imagine getting married again so late in life, especially since they had wonderful marriages.  But Ezekiel can imagine hiring another cook to help at the restaurant.  In to the storyline steps the not so skilled, but very hungry burglar, Burke McMillan, who has a late-night encounter with Mary Katherine. 

What I loved best about this book were the characters.  They were very likable people that I would enjoy knowing.  Mary Katherine was my favorite and I loved her ongoing conversations with her husband Moses.  I loved Ezekiel’s tender caring heart, tender for Mary Katherine, open to help and give a new start to a stranger, loving to his grandchildren, especially Kenneth.  Burke is a man of mystery.  Is he just a down on his luck kind of guy, is he the thief that’s been plaguing the Amish community or is something more going on with him?

Kelly Irvin is a wonderful writer.  She knows how to make characters interesting and very likeable, even in plain every day ordinary life.  She gives insight into the characters and what they are going through at this stage in their lives.  The Amish community setting is interesting but doesn’t overwhelm the story, instead it’s the background and reveals how these characters live their lives.  I could identify with many of the feelings that Mary Katherine was expressing. 

The one person, I wasn’t too keen on was her son Thomas because he was so disrespectful to his mother.  I would think as a Christian, he would have tried to honor his mother, but instead he treated her more like a child who has misbehaved.

I loved Through the Autumn Air by Kelly Irvin and I look forward to reading more of her books.  I highly recommend this story, it was lovely!  I read this book during a very difficult time in my life and I found it to be a very comforting place to escape to for a while. 

I would like to thank BookLook and Zondervan Publishers for the opportunity to read Through the Autumn Air in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Just Thinking About Scripture

This afternoon, I’ve been working on my Bible studies.  Even though, I’ve studied books Genesis and 1 Samuel before I continue to see things I’ve missed or overlooked before.  Today I was just wondering.

Is it significant that the Lord God’s curse on the serpent included that he would eat dust all the days of his life?  Specifically, the eating dust.  Interesting because the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground. 

Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being – Genesis 2:7

I just love that…God breathed in to his nostrils the breath of life.  First God formed Adam and then He breathed life into Adam.  Everything else that God created…He spoke it into existence.  But man…He form and breathed the breath of life into him.  That is up close and personal and paying attention to the fine details of His creation. 

The Lord God said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this,
Cursed are you more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you will go,
And dust you will eat
All the days of your life;

And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.” Genesis 3:14-15

My favorite translation of Genesis 3:15 is from the NIV.  I love the truth that on the cross Jesus crushed the serpent’s head.  It was a death blow.  Fatal and he is in the death throws right now.  But it is done!  Instead of bruising Jesus heal…it’s a strike.  Something quick…once.  A strike…but not something fatal.

    And I will put enmity
    between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and hers;
    He will crush your head,
    and you will strike His heel.”

What is the significance in the Lord God’s curse on the woman that her desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you?  Is it looking on that fateful choice when Adam did not overrule his wife’s choice to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?  But now post fall, he will rule over you with a heart and mind tainted by sin. 

To the woman He said,
“I will greatly multiply
Your pain in childbirth,
In pain you will bring forth children;
Yet your desire will be for your husband,
And he will rule over you.” – Genesis 3:16

What is the significance that God’s curse on Adam included that the ground is cursed because of Adam’s sinful choice?  The ground where God took the dust to make or fashion Adam.  Before sin, Adam was commanded to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.  Post sin, the earth would not be as fruitful and require much effort to bring for the food.  Do the thorns and thistles reflect the barbs of sin that will impact all of creation? 

God created Adam, formed and fashioned him starting with dust from the ground.  Now the curse of sin is death.  Adam, if he had not chosen to sin he would not have died.  But now he and all human beings, because of our sin, will die.  We will return to the dust from which the Lord started with to create man. 

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
Cursed is the ground because of you;
In toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life.

“Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;

By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.” – Genesis 3:17-19

In 1 Samuel, we were studying a dark time in Israel’s history when the Jewish priesthood was corrupt and the Lord allowed their defeat at the hands of their enemy the Philistines.  He allowed the Ark of the Lord God of Israel to fall into their hands.  But despite that…God’s sovereignty shines through.  There’s a question on how that encourages you.  This is what I recorded:

God is firmly, absolutely and completely in control, even when it seems like everything is out of control. 

He is able to accomplish what He wants, when He wants and by whomever He chooses.

Get out of His way, obey God and trust Him fully. 

I’m so very grateful to be part of some wonderful in-depth Bible studies.  Lord…keep me close and help me to understand Your Word and obey You. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

In All things by Melissa B Kruger – An Excellent Bible Study!

When breaking for summer, my Bible study teacher recommended Melissa Kruger’s Bible study, In All Things, a study in the book of Philippians. 

Because of that recommendation I was interested in reading In All Things and I’m so glad that I did.  I love finding solid Bible teachers so that I can use their books to stay in God’s Word when my regular Bible study breaks for summer. 

In All Things, is an excellent Bible study.  Melissa teaches readers to learn a book of the Bible.  Each chapter is broken down in to five days and it includes studying the text to determine: Observation – What does the text say, Interpretation – What does the text mean, and Application – How does the text transform me.  Each chapter concludes with a devotional based on the text that was studied. 

Melissa goes through the book of Philippians verse by verse.  She encourages people to read through the complete text multiple times so that you get very familiar with it.  Each day you will be reading the specific text you are studying.  The questions that are asked help the reader to pull out the facts of what the Apostle Paul wrote and help you unpack the text.  What does it say, what does it mean and how should I apply it to my life? 

To help better understand the passage, Melissa may have the reader look up other Scripture verses that may correspond to what’s studied.  She uses Scripture to help interpret Scripture.  You learn to study Scripture within context. 

This study is mature, Christ centered and helps the student to develop godly wisdom and discernment.  Melissa asks some hard, but true and necessary questions.  She is open, transparent and has a godly humility. 

I encourage anyone looking for a good solid Bible study to read and work through In All Things by Melissa Kruger.  You will come away with a good understanding of Philippians.  You will have developed some good Bible study techniques and know how to study the Bible, verse by verse and in context. 

This Bible study would be good resource for a personal or group study or even a formal women’s Bible study at church. 

I would like to thank Edelweiss and Multnomah Publishing for the opportunity to read In All Things by Melissa Kruger in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.  I am looking forward to going through this study in future.   

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Five Minute Friday – Always Grateful for Rain

Today, I’m participating in this week’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  If you like to write or need some inspiration and encouragement be sure to check it out. 

Today word prompt:  Rain

After living in Southern California, that has experienced drought for many years, I’m always grateful for rain.  

We moved to Texas in 2014 I was excited, in part, because Texas wasn’t in a drought.  I remember the first time we got rain after moving here.  I was shopping at Hobby Lobby up in Flower Mound and when I came out to my car there were huge dark storm clouds on the horizon.  I made a B-line for home, which at the time was temporary housing in Irving.  I made it home before the rain started...then it proceeded to pour down rain.  I felt like a little kid excited over the storm.

I would be hard pressed to tell you the last time we had rain in California in the years before we left.  I’m sure there was some…but it was very little and nothing like the thunderstorms that kick up here in Texas.

There is nothing quite like driving as a storm rolls in and watching the huge bolts of lightning light up the sky one right after another.

Or laying in bed and hearing a loud clap of rolling thunder that makes me jump.

Or driving down the road and sheets of rain blanket the car and I can hardly see five feet in front of me.

Today, as I sit here and write about rain, it’s raining and I give God thanks and praise for the rain.  Rain that refreshes our garden…waters the dry cracked ground.  Rain that will cool down the hot temps.  I’m ever so grateful for rain.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Farewell Little Friends

Though some may tell me different
I know my hummingbird friends have departed

They arrived in the cool of springtime
Spent the long, hot summer days with us

Zipping to and fro throughout the yard
Feisty and quarreling over who will have time at the feeders

Don’t worry little friends, there’s enough for all
Another fresh batch of nectar will be made

Just this week, I couldn’t help but notice
There weren’t as many around

Oh, there was the occasional hum of wings
Little jewels getting their nourishment from flowers

Some resting on feeders
Drinking deeply without interruption from others

But the clicking and territorial fights have ceased
Now I delight to see the stranger passing through

Their fine-tuned flying skills and delicate beauty
A testimony to their Creator

I will miss you my little friends
I wish you a safe journey as you head south

Come spring, your feeders will be filled and ready
Already looking forward to your return

By Susan Wachtel
September 1, 2018

Friday, August 31, 2018

Five Minute Friday – Rush to the Lord

Today, I’m participating in this week’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  If you like to write or need some inspiration and encouragement be sure to check it out. 

Today word prompt:  Rush


Lord, I confess to You
So much of the time I feel rushed

I rush from morning to night
I rush to take care of the urgent

How much of what man considers urgent is truly important?
How much of it has eternal consequences?

When I read about Jesus, He didn’t rush
Though He had people coming to Him night and day

Desperate with crippling sickness and disease
A pressing needs that only the Savior could meet

Yet Jesus, the Son of God
Took time to pray to His Father in heaven

Jesus was driven to do His Father’s will, not man’s
He responded with grace, mercy and compassion

May I rush to spend time with Christ Jesus
May I focus my mind on Your life changing Word

May I rush before the Father’s throne of grace
May I bring Him my prayers and wait upon the Lord

Help me to make a priority
That which is important to You

May I rush to come before the Lord
May I be quick to listen and obey

by Susan Wachtel
August 31, 2018

End…Times Up

I’m so looking forward to fall.  While I’m not in school, I will be back in Bible study classes.  I desperately need the disciple and focus of in-depth Bible study.  More than I know, I the community of believers.

How about you?  Are you in a good Bible study?  If not…now is a good time to jump in.  A lot of studies begin in early September.  There a are a number of in-depth, verse by verse studies available, like Community Bible Study, Bible Study Fellowship, Precepts or perhaps a study at a local church near you. 

I cannot adequately explain how important it is for you know God’s Word for yourself.  God will use it to grow you and change you.  He will enable you to be discerning and wise and read, understand and obey His Word. 

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...