Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Been a Year

It’s been a year
Since I last saw you among the living

Not a day goes by
That I don’t think of you

Your passing would have been easier
If I had the assurance of your eternal destination

Instead of remembering your death
I would have been celebrating the anniversary of your home going

As it is…I’ll have to wait until I get to heaven
To see if we’ll have a reunion

While I hated what Alzheimer’s did to you
I hadn’t known a day without you in my life

In the end the Alzheimer’s won
But only because you gave up

Every time I drive by a place where we went
I think of you and remember both the good times and bad

I remember our Sunday afternoons
Sharing a treat from Starbuck and a movie…sometimes even a nap

Even though my life has gone on without you
I often think, “Gayle would have liked this”

I wished you could have been at my wedding
Sitting in the seat of honor

I’m grateful that you got to meet
The man I would one day marry

On this night one year ago
I sat by your bedside and prayed

I whispered in your ear
Sang hymns and told you about Jesus

Now a year later, my husband and I
Stepped foot for the first time into our new home

I know you would have liked it
It’s bright and open, sunny and cheery

There’s a yard with lots of space to garden
I wish you would have been here to enjoy it maybe even show me the ropes

One day I hope to paint the kitchen yellow
So that I can think of you when I’m in it

It’s been a year now
God has brought many changes, more than I could have ever imagined

But even in the midst of the busyness and change
I think of you…and miss you

Susan Bunts Wachtel
April 28, 2009

Today is one year since my mother Gayle Lorenat died. Even though the last few years were hard because of Alzheimer's I sure do miss her.

Susan Blog Sig 2

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Susan Boyle...I Deamed a Dream

From sneers to a standing this video of an amazingly talented singer, Susan Boyle. Click on hyperlink above. Get the tissues.

Fix Our Eyes on Jesus

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:2

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:18

Susan Blog Sig 2

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lying in Wait

Gossip thinly disguised as a prayer request
Only serves to tear down and cause division

No one is exempt
From being the next victim

Leaders faithfully serving the body of Christ
Have decisions questioned at every turn

Those enduring trials and tribulation
Are a delicious topic of conversation for the gossiping tongue

Opinion and speculation
Pass for an intimate knowledge of the facts

Even the innocent bystander
May fall prey to the gossiping tongue

Gossips raise themselves up
By trampling on the reputation of another

The sin of gossip tears people down
Both the victim and the one with the uncontrolled tongue

Sometimes motivated by boredom
Gossip makes the perpetrator feel important

It gives the appearance of being “in the know”
Or the confidant of so many friends

Never is an opportunity lost to sully a reputation
Or call into question someone’s motives

Like an viper lying in wait
At an opportune moment…the gossip will strike with their venomous poison

Susan Bunts Wachtel
April 24, 2009

Susan Blog Sig 2

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Lamb of God

The sinless Lamb of God
Bore our sins upon His body

The Father’s wrath was poured out
Upon His innocent Son

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”
Beseeched from the Holy One whom they had rejected

Mocked when He proclaimed that He was King of the Jews
Yet He is the King of kings and Lord of lords

The ones He had healed
Stood before the cross condemning their Healer

Those whose sight was restored
Were blinded to the Savior before them

Those who could hear after Jesus’ miraculous touch
Were deaf to the Word of God

Those whose tongues were loosed
Were now crying “Crucify Him”

Those who sat on the hillside listening to the Sermon on the Mount
Now reviled and persecuted the Teacher who came to show them The Way

Those who hungered and were fed with loaves and fishes
Showed contempt for the One who was moved with compassion

The Pharisees who diligently studied God’s Word
Did not recognize the Scriptures fulfillment

The Disciples that Jesus called to follow Him
Had now fled, save one who stayed nearby

The Innocent’s blood was shed
For the guilty who stand condemned in their sin

The cleansing blood of the Lamb applied to the sin debt
Of those whom the Father had given Him from before the foundations of the world

The condemned clothed in self righteousness
Will stand before the Holy, Righteous Son of God to give an account

The guilty clothed in Christ’s Righteousness
Stand forgiven and are bid to enter in

Susan Bunts Wachtel
April 23, 2009

Susan Blog Sig 2

In the Silence

In the silence
God is at work
Attending to details
Of which I’m unaware

Will I be anxious
Worry and fret…when and how will it all work out
Or will I trust Him
Confident that God is faithful and more than able

Will I try to be in control
Get out ahead of God
Or will I be obedient
Take only the next step that God has directed

My peace during times of uncertainty
Is found in the presence of Christ Jesus
My security is found
When I walk hand in hand with my Savior

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
April 22, 2009

Susan Blog Sig 2

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Day Away...Carlsbad Flower Fields 2009

Some pictures from our "annual" trip down to the flower fields in Carlsbad, CA. Once we get through with our upcoming move...will put together a slide show. If you can get down's worth the drive and the time. If possible...go on a weekday to avoid the crowds.

Susan Blog Sig 2

Monday, April 13, 2009

Arboretum in Springtime

One of my favorite things to do is visit the Fullerton Arboretum. The pictures above were from my recent visit on Sunday, March 29th. Enjoy a little bit of spring.

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The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...