Monday, April 13, 2009

Hymns of Old

Hymns of old
So rich in theology
Proclaim the excellencies of Christ Jesus

They tell of His humble birth
His human incarnation
Of the One who was here before the world began

His sinless, perfect life
Of the innocent Lamb
Slain before the foundations of the world

Veiled in human flesh
Yet He is the very essence of God the Father
He set His glory aside that He might redeem the lost

He came to do the will of the Father
The propitiation for our sin
Turning away the Father’s wrath

He suffered like no other
As He hung on Calvary’s cross
Marred beyond recognition as a man

Even bearing the weight of our sin could not compare
To the pain of separation when the Father turned away from the Son
For He who is Holy, Holy, Holy cannot look upon or dwell with sin

Death could not hold Him
The sinless Son of God
He arose victorious from the grave

Today He is seated
At the right hand of the Father
For the work He came to do is finished

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
April 12, 209

While I love all kinds of music…both hymns and choruses…there is nothing quite like the old hymns. They are so rich in theology and Christ centered.

Some of the songs today are very man centered. In focusing on us, we lose the magnificence of God’s plan and Jesus sacrifice for unworthy sinners. We were dead in our sin there is nothing in us that is attractive or deserving of our salvation. It was Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross in obedience to the Father’s plan that earned our salvation. He paid the debt we owe, but can never pay.

While God’s love motivated His plan of redemption and salvation through His Son Jesus Christ…it was His holiness, righteousness, justice, and wrath that necessitated our sin debt be paid.

May we choose to know God fully as He has revealed Himself in the Word of God.

Susan Blog Sig 2

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