Wednesday, April 08, 2009

God's Will

God’s moral will
Is clearly revealed in scripture
Reinforced by the Holy Spirit within

But knowing God’s will for my personal life
Is often better understood
In hindsight…after the fact

What step should I take next
What direction should I go
What choice should I make

It’s tempting
To try and interpret His will
From the unfolding of recent events

May I tread carefully
Not stumble into dangerous territory
By reading the signs and putting God in a box

Rather than seeking a desired outcome
May I desire to walk closely with You, Oh Lord
Knowing that Your presence is my great reward

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
April 7, 2009

“God’s Will” was inspired by recent events in Chris and my life involving the purchase of our first home together. As we’ve gone through some ups and downs it’s been hard to know what God’s will is. But I think we are finding out…day by day as we walk with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The above photo is from our collection of wedding photos taken by Sherry Hebestreit. Sherry did a marvelous job. Both Chris and I were not sure about having a photographer for our wedding. But Sherry did a lovely job and we cherish the memories of that day especially when we look at the photographs. If you would like information on how to contact Sherry, please send me an email and we’ll forward your inquiry on to Sherry Hebestreit.

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