Friday, February 11, 2011

The Jury Is In…Abortion = Murder

Below are some of the charges against Dr. Kermit Gosnell who ran an abortion clinic in Philadelphia.  In reality it should be called an abortion house of horrors.  Even Hollywood would be hard pressed to come up with a story like what took place there.

If you are like me and the thought of reading such awful, gruesome facts is more than you can take…I ask you to please read it anyways.   Please click on the link to read the transcript of the indictments against Dr. Kermit Gosnell and his staff members.

  • We recommend that Kermit Gosnell be charged with murder for killing Baby Boy A.

  • We recommend a murder charge against Kermit Gosnell in the death of “Baby Boy B,”

  • We recommend murder and conspiracy charges against Kermit Gosnell and Lynda Williams for the murder committed by Lynda Williams in 2006 or 2007 of “Baby C.”

  • There is sufficient evidence to charge Adrienne Moton and Kermit Gosnell with murder and conspiracy in the death of “Baby D.”

  • We recommend that a murder charge be filed against Kermit Gosnell for the murder of “Baby E,”

  • We recommend murder and conspiracy charges against Kermit Gosnell and Steven Massof for killing “Baby F.”

  • The evidence supports charges of murder and conspiracy against Kermit Gosnell and Steven Massof for the killing of Baby G.

"The abortion ruling is a very clear one. The abortion ruling, of course, is also a natural result of this other world view because with this other world view, human life -- your individual life -- has no intrinsic value." Francis Schaeffer

What can you do?  How do you process all this or put it in perspective?


Ken said...

Thank you for sharing. A child in his/her's mothers womb is not just a blob of flesh.
13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:13-14

susanwalkergirl said...

Ken, I give you a hardy AMEN! Praise God for how He fearfully and wonderfully created us.

If a sinful woman like me can be so horrified at what's happening what does God who is holy, righteous and just think? I pray that God will bring abortion to a stop. Lord help us.

Thanks for sharing God's word...that's one of my favorite verses.

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