Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Justice Not Mercy

There are crimes so horrific
My heart cries out for justice, not mercy

There are people so evil
The fires of hell don’t seem hot enough

There are hearts are so hardened and calloused
Eternity in hell doesn’t seem long enough

If Abel’s blood cried out to God
How much more so the blood of innocent babies slaughtered in the womb

Lord, I plead for justice
Both here and now and for eternity

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
February 12, 2011

The LORD said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. – Genesis 4:10

After listening to Focus on the Family’s broadcast on 2/11/11, “The Value of Standing for Life”, I wanted to read the grand jury indictment for myself.  Focus shared facts from the case in Pennsylvania in which an abortion doctor had been charged with murder.  Babies from late term pregnancies were aborted, yet born alive, and they were then killed by severing their spinal cord. 

Shows like “The Value of Standing for Life” are difficult to hear.  Reading the grand jury transcript was graphic and horrific.  My mind could not begin to grasp how one doctor and his associates could commit such evil acts at a Pennsylvania abortion clinic over a period of many years.

Our liberal society twists the taking of an innocent human life and calls it “a choice”.

That’s why I was amazed to read that this doctor had actually been charged with multiple counts of murder of aborted babies who were killed outside the womb.

I am so grateful for the grand jury and their dedication to wading through the facts of this case and having wherewithal to bring criminal charges against the doctor and his associates.  I’m grateful that law enforcement and the legal system were able to shut down this abortion clinic. 

I pray that police and the legal system will be able to shut down more clinics.  I pray that this doctor and his staff will be judged by a jury of their peers and if found guilty be sentenced as severely as the law allows.

I know as a Christian I should be concerned for this man’s soul and pray for his salvation.  After reading about the crimes he committed, the best I can do is committing him to the Lord’s will. God alone is holy, righteous and just.  He alone can bring true justice both here and now and in eternity.

While I’m grateful for law enforcement and the court system in our nation, the true victory in abortion will only come by changing the hearts and mind of men and women through salvation in Christ Jesus. 


Ken said...

I am thankful for our justice system also and that they have arrested him. I also hope and pray we bring abortion to an end. It is murder, plain and simple of the most innocent amoung us. But, just imagine for a moment what the Lord could do through this man and others in the abortion industry if they repented and truly got saved. As hard as it is to pray for them, we can not go wrong by doing so. I also feel like not praying for people like this. I want justice, but, victory over evil is only at the cross of Christ.

God bless you

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Ken,

Indeed you are right. If this man and his associates were to be saved, God would be glorified.

Like a friend recently reminded me people are pawns of the enemy. Our true enemy is satan. While this man is still alive there is a chance for repentance.

Thank you for your faithful witness Ken.

Blessings in Christ. Susan

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