Sunday, August 28, 2011

On the Lookout

As I was praying this last week, I felt rather downcast and hopeless.  I had finished praying for the salvation of people whom God has laid on my heart.  It seems that the list continues to increase.  Some of the people have been on the list for many years.  Some people have moved on and I may never see them again, but I continue to pray for their salvation. 

As I walked into Corner Bakery to pick-up my breakfast, I felt that the Lord rebuke me for my downcast attitude. 

Here I am praying to the God of the universe…the Creator of all things, the One Who spoke the words and our world came into existence.  God, Who from before the foundations of the world, knew me and chose to save me from my sin through the atoning death of His Son, my Savior Jesus Christ.  God Who knows me intimately, knows the number of hairs on my head, knows my thoughts before the words come out of my mouth and puts my tears in a bottle.  I’m praying to Almighty God and I’m feeling downcast?  Are you kidding me? 

I felt as if God challenged me that day.  I pray many prayers, but am I on the lookout for God at work each day.  Do I look expectantly and am I excited to see what God is doing each day?

To prove His point, later that day I had an encounter with someone for whom I’ve been praying.  I got to hear what God is doing in their life, a definite God thing…a work that only He could be doing. 

My downcast and hopeless feelings were nothing short of unbelief, which is sin.  I didn’t have my eyes on God, nor trust Him and His perfect timing to answer my prayer. 

Now I’m choosing to remind myself to Whom I’m praying to each day, and be on the lookout for the answers to those prayers and see God actively at work in all situations. 


Clint said...

Thank you. Tough bein' a Christian, ain't it?

God bless you.

susanwalkergirl said...

Thank you Clint. Sometimes it's a challenge to walk by faith.

Blessings to you in Christ...Susan

Michelle said...

tough lesson, great perspective!

thank you for sharing!

susanwalkergirl said...

Thank you Michelle. Down here, this side of heaven is where walking by faith really counts. In heaven...our faith will have given way to sight. I long for that day, but pray that I may be found faithful. Thank You Lord for your mercy and grace. said...

Amen...I have been praying for hearts to be soften and God remove the heart of encouragement to continue came through John Piper's book "Finally Alive"...renewed zeal for all my loved ones..
Great post

susanwalkergirl said...

Thank you Janette! I've not read that book (yet). I felt so encouraged when I listened to Francis Chan's message on prayer from John Piper's conference earlier this year. All the messages were good...but especially Francis' message.

Pray On!!!

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