Tuesday, September 27, 2011

As Silver Refined – A Manual for Navigating Life’s Disappointments

Are you going through a season where life is handing you some disappointments?   If so, I highly recommend Kay Arthur’s book “As Silver Refined:  Answers to Life’s Disappointments.”

In this book, Kay talks about how critically important our response is when we face life’s disappointments.  We can choose to turn a disappointment into “His Appointment” by trusting in the sovereignty of God and the good purposes that He is working out through life’s hurts and disappointments that are inevitable. 

Kay shows us the strategies of the enemy, like distraction and deception.  When we fail to respond rightly to disappointments, we are on a slippery slope and can spiral down from disappointment, to discouragement, dejection, despair and demoralization.

While reading “As Silver Refined” I found myself challenged as I reflected on how I’ve responded to disappointments in the past.  I’ve been in that downward spiral before and it’s only by the grace of God I was delivered from that pit.  I wish I had this book back then. 

I was moved by the personal stories throughout the book, but my favorite chapter was the last one.   “A Fire of Reminder” tells about Peter’s encounter with Jesus following his painful and bitter denial of Christ.  Throughout the gospel accounts I find myself relating to Peter who had a heart for the Lord Jesus, but all too often his mouth caused him to stumble.  Time and time again, Jesus was there to lovingly embrace and restore Peter.  Who doesn’t need a God of second chances?

“As Silver Refined” by Kay Arthur is an excellent book to help you shore up your defenses in the spiritual battle and help you come alongside others who are in the thick of the battle. 

Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes.  I was not required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. 


Clint said...

Sounds like a great and thought-provokingly uplifting book.

Sandy said...

I read this book and I agree
with you that it is really
good. I highly recommend it.

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Clint and Sandy,

As I was reading this book, I kept commenting to my husband how good it was. God has truly gifted Kay Arthur to teach His word.

I've never read any of Kay's books before. However, I look forward to reading her books.

Blessings in Christ to you both.

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

I read it years ago...and now it has come up twice in different post...sounds like it is time to read it again.

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Jeanette,

This was my first time reading this book...it was wonderful. A keeper to re-read another time should the Lord tarry.

Blessings sweet friend...Susan

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