Saturday, January 07, 2012

Five Minute Friday – Roar

When I read the word roar, the first thing that comes to mind was the scripture in 1 Peter 5:8 that tells us that Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  

One day there will be a thunderous roar in heaven when Jesus stands up and says “Enough!” and comes to get His bride the church.  Oh how I look forward to that day.  I long for it.  There is not a day that goes by in which I don’t think of Jesus’ soon return.  With each passing day, it seems as though it’s eminent.  

There was day 2,000 years ago, when the crowd roared “Crucify Him!” and the roaring lion thought he had won the victory.  Little did he know that three days later, Jesus Christ would emerge from the tomb, not a vanquished foe, but a triumphant Victor.  A Victor over sin and death.

Now that ought to elicit a loud roar of praise from my lips…Thank You Jesus!

This post is being linked to 5-Minute Friday courtesy of The Gypsy Mama, where you simply write for 5 minutes without worrying if it's right or not.  Head on over and give it a try!


Linda said...

Thanks for your encouragement! I appreciated your comment about my brother. I will turn all of my concerns into prayers! Thanks! (:>)

I do agree that Satan is out there like a roaring lion....seeking whom he may devour.

I am so glad that... He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world! The Lord God is the Victor! And through Him we can find Victory!!

God Bless You!

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Linda,

Praying for your brother Dan and his fiance. Praying that the Lord will prevent him from enjoying himself after making a poor decision. That he will instead remember that he is a bond servant, a slave to Christ and choose to be a better steward in all respects, out of love to the One who redeemed him from the pit of hell.

Blessings sweet sister. Cling to Jesus and the victory that we have in Him.


Wanda said...

Indeed that is worthy of raising a praise to our Lord.

The War on Sin Within

The following was inspired by the sermon preached yesterday, by our Associate Pastor Chris Teagle.  The Scripture was from James 4:1-10.   A...