Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quiet Morn Reflections

Each morning for months now I’ve been praying about a disquieting situation.  My prayers have remained the same and yet it seems as though nothing has changed.  How long will it continue to be this way Lord?

Then suddenly the Lord has answered my prayer.  Unexpectedly and in a manner that I did not anticipate. 

I’m both relieved and saddened.  But now is the time to remain faithful and continue in prayer as the Lord works out His plan.

This is a good reminder to me to be faithful in prayer, not grow discouraged or disheartened when there seems to be no answer.  I need to be mindful that the Lord’s timing is often different than mine and His plans are always better. 

1 comment:

Wanda said...

Yesterday's message at our family reunion service was about the timing of God. Some things happen suddenly and others come in due season but one thing we can be assured is that God is faithful to His Word. Hope you have a great week Susan.

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