Sunday, August 12, 2012

Washington DC & Virginia Trip 2012

Good golly can  it be four months since we went on our trip to Washington DC & Virginia earlier this year?  Indeed it has been.  With busy days and time being at a premium, it was a challenge to sit down and put our pictures into a video. 

This was like a dream trip.  I never would have thought I would get to go to Washington DC.  It was a quick trip and one I hope to repeat and spend more time in our nation's capitol city. 

The east coast and Washington DC are so different than southern California.  I was captured by the beautiful architecture and nature.  Some of our favorite places were Arlington Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial the World War II, Korean and Vietnam War Memorials. 

I was grateful to be able to see my cousin's name Richard Frank Dusseau on the Vietnam Memorial.  He died within 2 months of his arrival in Vietnam.  A sobering reminder that our freedom comes at a price.

I am so grateful to the men and women of our military for their sacrifice and bravery to protect and defend our nation and the freedom that God has given us through our founding fathers.

Thank you to our family members whom we were able to spend some time with: Nathan and Molly Connor and their children Kylan, Madison and Caleb and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law Ron and Carol Jackson who made the trek from Louisiana. 

It was a special and memorable time that we will treasure always. 

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