Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gift Exchange

As the lights were dimmed
A hush came over the crowd
In the quiet a question was posed
What will you give Jesus for Christmas?

I knew in an instant
As his face came to my mind
Our relationship broken and strained
I would present this to my Lord

A beautifully wrapped package
Rested in my hand
Held close to my heart
Then raised to the Lord

In an instant my burden was lifted
Stress I had felt melted away
Once again my mind was focused
Aware of the presence of the Lord

How did this gift exchange happened
I will never fully know
As I presented my gift to the Lord
His peace filled my soul

by Susan Wachtel
December 12, 2012


Ken said...

Hi Susan, I enjoyed reading this. As we surrender our hearts to Him, His peace does fill our souls.

Denise said...

This is lovely Susan; God stands ready to deliver us from whatever burdens we are carrying. He will give us fresh grace for each day that will strengthen us to overcome whatever challenges we face. What amazing peace!! :)

Blessings for a joyful holiday,

Farmgirl Cyn said... burdens to His shoulders.

Wanda said...

Beautiful Susan. I'm so grateful for the exchange God offers to us.

Ken said...

Hi Susan,
I pray that you and your husband has a Merry Christmas and may God bless you,

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