Saturday, April 27, 2013

Five Minute Friday - From an Enemy to a Friend

O Lord, won’t You show me how
To get rid of an enemy
By making her my friend

Burden my heart to pray
For her salvation
To grow in wisdom, knowledge, truth and understanding

May she be like David
A woman after God’s own heart
Love You with all her heart, mind, soul and strength

May she grow in grace and mercy
Even the thoughts and intentions of her heart
Be good and pleasing to You

May kindness be on her lips
Her words filled with encouragement and build others up
More concerned about others than herself

May she keep short accounts with You
Be quick to repent and turn to You
May she be bendable, moldable and teachable

May she hide Your word in her heart
That she may not sin against You
May her soul be yielded unto You

May she walk closely with her God
Others will know she is Your disciple
By her love

May her life be a sweet fragrant offering
A sacrifice
Good and pleasing to her Lord

Susan Wachtel
April 27, 2013

It’s another Saturday morn and I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s FiveMinute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.


Lynne said...

This is beautiful and loving, the way those of Christ are meant to be.

Denise said...

Beyond beautifu, bless you dear.

Wanda said...

What sweet prayer Susan. May we each find ourselves lifting our enemies up before the father in prayer.

Denise said...

This is lovely Susan; a prayer that inspires us to think on how we should be loving and caring for our enemies; just as Jesus would do. :)

Blessings and hugs,

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