Saturday, August 17, 2013

Friday's Five Picks.A Heart Surrendered

One of my favorite blogs to read is Michelle’s blog at “A Heart Surrendered”


I happen to know Michelle through church and that’s probably what originally brought me to her blog.  But that’s not what kept me coming back.  Michelle is a woman who loves the Lord and continues to grow in Christ.  Her love for the Lord impacts every aspect of her life.  She is honest, open and shares from her heart.


When I read Michelle’s blog, I’m challenged, encouraged and convicted in my own faith walk and in my relationship with my husband, family and friends. 


I would encourage you to visit “A Heart Surrendered” and bookmark it as a favorite.


Linking up with Wanda at The Watered Soul for Friday’s Five Picks.




Five Minute Friday - Still Small Voice


I cry out to the Lord for help

For the courage to carry on

To not give up

Depend upon the Holy Spirit within me


Filter all that I do and say

Through the grid of God’s






When I feel I can’t go on

Or take another step

Strengthen me

Give me courage


When I don’t know what to say

Help me to remember

It’s okay to say nothing

Ask my Heavenly Father for wisdom


Let my words reflect the Lord

May the words I speak into broken lives bring








Light the path before me

Guide each step

Incline my ear so that I may hear

And listen closely to Your still small voice



Susan Wachtel

August 17, 2013


It’s another Saturday morn and I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.




Saturday, August 10, 2013

Five Minute Friday – Lonely Painful Memories

Lonely…now that’s a word I’m all too familiar with.  In fact I think I can say I was lonely for most of my life.  All work and no play can make one very lonely.  I knew how to work hard and strive to do my best, but developing friendships was not my strong suit.

  • Memories of phones that seldom ring.
  • Getting home late from work, left time for little else.
  • I chose to let loneliness and lack of trust in God to influence me to make unwise choices.
  • The weekends consisted of cleaning, shopping and church on Sunday.
  • The Lord, church, Bible study and God’s people became my safe haven where the Lord would show me a way out of loneliness.
  • I remember my Bible study leader impressing upon the small group leaders the importance of calling the women in their group each week.  She said that in some instances that may be the only call they receive.  How right she was…what a painful to admit.

As hard as loneliness is, there is a more painful loneliness and that is feeling a distance from God.  It may come when I let the noise and demands of the world drown out the voice of God.  Or when I stop paying attention to the still small voice of the Lord, or when I willfully choose to sin.  It’s then that the silence surrounds me and I’m aware that the fellowship of the Lord has been broken.  I feel like my prayers are bouncing off the ceiling.  The Lord has a way of getting my attention through silence and draws me back to Himself.

He never leaves nor forsakes me, but there are times He is silent. 

Lord…never let me forget the pain of loneliness.  Help me to reach out to others.  To be a friend, smile, listen and embrace them.  I may never know what’s going on in their lives and how lonely they really are, but You do Lord.  Help me to see them, hear them, love and care about them.  Help me to stay close to You and listen to Your still small voice.

It’s another Saturday morn and I wanted to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge.  Head over to her website “Lisa Jo Baker Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.

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