Thursday, May 29, 2014

What Is Love

Where Will I Turn?

When I turn to myself
   I come up empty

When I turn to the world
    I come up with worthless and meaningless things

When I turn to the Lord
   I receive Wisdom
                        and so much more

Help me to choose to turn to You Lord, every single time!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Critical Condition…WOW!

If you like mystery, intrigue and suspense, look no further than Richard L. Mabry’s newest book Critical Condition.  I love it when I find a good writer who is new to me, because that means I’ll be able to go back and read his earlier work. 

Critical Condition is the first book that I’ve read by Richard L. Mabry M.D. and I wasn’t disappointed.  He skillfully draws the reader in to the storyline and reveals the characters, almost like pealing an onion, layer by layer you learn about the characters and what motivates them and what brought them to this place and how will it end. 

Dr. Mabry brings a different twist to mystery novels.  The story includes characters who are doctors and the reader gets to view the events through the different lens of medicine.

The story is fast paced and more than once kept me up late because I didn’t want to put the book down.  I can tell a good book when it leaves me thinking about the characters and try to figure out what will happen even when I’m not reading the book.

I especially appreciated how Dr. Mabry has interwoven faith into the storyline through the characters as they struggle with and grow in their faith.  Faith seemed to be a natural part of the characters, not just something thrown in because this a book by a Christian author.  I appreciate a writer who doesn’t have to turn to immorality to tell a good story

I give a big thumbs up to Critical Condition by Richard L. Mabry M.D.  I look forward to reading more novels by this writer.

I would like to thank the people at BookLook for giving me a copy of Critical Condition to read and review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Distortion - Fast-paced Intrigue & Suspense

It was my pleasure to read Terri Blackstock’s newest novel Distortion, the second book in the Moonlights Series.  I love to read mysteries and in the past I’ve read a number of Terri’s books and now I remember why I liked her writing so much. 

Distortion is a fast-paced murder mystery.  From the very beginning of the novel, I was drawn into the storyline and characters.  This is the second novel in the series, but the reader is not at a disadvantage if you haven’t read the first book Truth Stained Lies.  There is enough information peppered throughout the book that helps the reader know about the background of the characters.  I do wish I had read the first book, but Distortion a good standalone book too.

Terri does a great job in developing the characters as the storyline unfolds.  I find her characters very likable and appealing.  Unlike other writers, Terri doesn’t have her characters making stupid blunders just to put them in jeopardy. 

As a Christian, I’m very appreciative of having Christian characters that wrestle with their faith in the middle of a crisis and see how they interact with family and friends, believers and unbelievers.  I also appreciate a writer who doesn’t offend my moral standards by throwing in sin and immorality just to titillate the reader. 

If you like mystery and suspense, I recommend that you give Terri Blackstock’s newest book Distortion a read.  I do forewarn you that you may be staying up late a few nights because you won’t to put the book down.

I would like to thank people at BookLook for providing me with a free copy of Distortion to read in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to provide a favorable review. 

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Just Thinking on Life, Heaven and Hell

There have been a number of thoughts and ideas that have been ruminating in my mind in the last few days.  Some prompted by conversations or podcasts I’ve recently listened to.

Yesterday I made a comment “What price can you put on happiness?” and the response was, “Life isn’t necessarily about our happiness.” 

Obviously, happiness should never come at the price of disobedience to God, choosing sin or going outside His will for us as revealed in the Bible.  However, I believe that God does want us to be content and joyful in Him, regardless of our circumstances.  That happiness, joy and contentment may be a choice that I have to make each day.  What kind of witness am I for God if I’m continually downcast about my circumstances? 

At the same time, I’m still learning that life isn’t about me.  It’s about God and loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and it’s about loving others as I love myself.  That may mean that God takes me through challenging circumstances that won’t outwardly produce happiness.  But that brings me back to a choice.  Will I choose to rejoice in God, Who He is and the work He is doing in and through my life, even in or especially during the trials of my life?

Yesterday I heard a quote something to the effect of “If people could see just 15 seconds of what hell is like it would make them passionate and effective evangelists.”  These days there are lots of books about heaven and what it’s like.  Who doesn’t want to go to heaven?  As crazy as it seems, even unbelievers may believe in heaven and desire to go there.  I can imagine and talk about the wonders that await believers in heaven.  But shouldn’t the eternal suffering of those going to hell motivate me even more to share the Gospel message of salvation found in Christ Jesus alone?  While I won’t be able to see 15 seconds of what hell is like, I can read what the Bible says about hell and know that I don’t want my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or even my enemies to go there. 

On a recently Family Life Today podcast author and speaker Gloria Furman shared that she realized that her children were eternal beings and that what she was doing in everyday life, from cleaning up messes to changing diapers to refereeing a squabble, was potentially impacting them for eternity. 

What holds true for a mom and dad raising their children holds true for all parts of life.  We are interacting with eternal beings everywhere.  At home, in the workplace, marketplace and even on the roadway.

If I remembered that, would it change how I treat people?   Knowing that these people are eternal beings and I can make an impact for good or evil, for heaven or hell. 

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...