Thursday, March 05, 2015

Do I?

Do I love and accept a friend absolutely as they are, wounded and broken?

Do I help them carry their burdens?  Or do I place more burdens on them to bear?

Do I judge them when what God is calling me to do is love them?

Do I blame them for being sick (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually) rather than pray for the Lord to heal them and walk with them through their trials? 

Do I stand there with a pointed finger or come before my heavenly Father with prayerful hands and heart?

Do my words cut and leave wounds which will be remembered for a lifetime?  Or do I speak words of encouragement, love, truth and healing which will bring comfort when recalled?

Do I reject the hurting one for whom Christ died, when the Shepherd stands with open arms ready to embrace and forgive them?

Am I an obstacle for those who need to turn to Christ or do I point the way?

Am I more concerned about what someone’s life reflects about me?  Or do I genuinely care and desire to love them?

We all can remember those words which wounded us and those words that showed love and support.  Those words that brought healing and life at just the right time.

Which words will I choose to speak today?

Will I raise my arms to push away or embrace, love and comfort?


Jim Habegger said...

This is very timely for me! I've been trying to learn to be a better friend for each person in my life.

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Jim,

So glad that you stopped by my blog today and took the time to comment.

I'm reading a new book and as I was reading what this person has been through in their life, I wondered how I would have treated them. I also looked at how others have treated me and areas that I've failed to be a good friend and by God's good grace where I had been a better friend.

May our hearts and minds always be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's nudging, convicting, leading and encouragement. May we fill our minds with God's Word and hide it in our heart.

Lord's blessings to you!

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