Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Parables by John MacArthur – An Excellent Read and Resource

Pastor John MacArthur’s latest book is Parables The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Revealed Through The Stories Jesus Told.  I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to read this book because of the solid Bible teaching it contains. 

Before diving into the parables, Pastor MacArthur explains, from Matthew 13, why Jesus started teaching in parables.  He had specific truths He was trying to convey to those who had the ears to hear.  It wasn’t to make it easy for the common people to understand what He was teaching.  Instead, the symbolism used in the parables was to hide the truth from those who had no desire to know what Christ was saying. 

Pastor MacArthur brings clarity and helps the reader understand the truths contained in these stories.  Unlike allegories, not everything in a parable has significance, but there is a profound truth to be understood.  In this book a parable is defined as, “an ingenious simple word picture illuminating a profound spiritual lesson.” 

This book covers select parables in ten chapters, including the parables of the soils/seed, the good Samaritan, and the rich man and Lazarus.  Some of the parables are only a sentence or two long, but there’s a meaning that Christ wanted His followers to understand.

In this day and age, it is important for Christians to be wise and discerning and know when a pastor or teacher is accurately teaching God’s Word.  This book will help you to be equipped as you study God’s Word for yourself.  One of the benefits to the reader is that you will be able to take what you’ve learned and apply it as you study the Bible and read Jesus’ parables and teachings for yourself.

I greatly appreciate Pastor John MacArthur’s high view of God and Scripture.  He is thorough in his study and exposition of the Bible.  He is insightful and courageous as he speaks the truth about what’s happening in our culture and in today’s churches. 

I highly recommend Parables by Pastor John MacArthur.  This book is a great resource for anyone who loves to read and study God’s Word and for those who are new to studying the Bible.  Whether you are a new Christian or mature, you’ll want to read this book.

I would like to thank BookLook and Thomas Nelson Publishers for the opportunity to read Parables by John MacArthur in exchange for an honest review. I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Denise said...

good review

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Denise,

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have the opportunity to read this book. My husband and I are going through a Bible study in Matthew so we are reading a lot of parables. So this book has been most helpful in understanding them.

Lord bless...Susan

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