Friday, February 19, 2016

Defying Normal by Skip Heitzig with Jeff Kinley – An Encouraging Challenge to Come Up Higher

Recently, I was presented with the opportunity to read Skip Heitzig’s latest book Defying Normal – Soaring Above the Status Quo.  This book focuses on the exemplary life of Daniel from his youth to old age.  Skip challenges readers, to not just go with the cultural flow, but come up higher and defy normal and live for the glory and honor of God.

Consistently and throughout his life Daniel was a man of integrity and one whom God used to influence national leaders and the people around him.  Most of us probably won’t rub elbows with presidents and kings.  But we will come into contact with family, friends, fellow believers, neighbors and co-workers.  If we live in a manner that honors and glorifies God, He may choose to use us to strengthen and encourage others or speak the truth, without compromise, from His Word. 

In Defying Normal, Skip looks at how Daniel lived in regards to self-control, faith, humility, integrity, dependence, courage, hope and balance.  At the end of each chapter he exhorts readers to deliberate and think through how that quality or character trait can be exhibited in their own life and impact others for good and please God.

When I read about Daniel, I can’t help but admire him and wish I was more like him.  It’s easy to forget that he grew and developed his godly steadfast moral character over time in faithful obedience as he walked with God. 

I recommend Skip Heitzig and Jeff Kinley’s book Defying Normal – Soaring Above the Status Quo.  I would like to thank Worthy Publishing Group for the opportunity to read Defying Normal in exchange for an honest review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 


Denise said...

good review.

susanwalkergirl said...

Thanks Denise! I enjoy hearing Pastor Skip Heitzig preach; he's a good writer too.

Hope you have a good and restful weekend.


The Peacemaker by Wanda E Brunstetter- Mystery, Relationships, Romance, Amish Fiction

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