Friday, March 04, 2016

Can I Just Say – Open Letter to Senator Marco Rubio and Mr. Donald Trump

Can I just say, Senator Rubio and Mr. Trump, that the level that you two have taken the Presidential debates to is a new low.  For goodness sakes, parents shouldn’t have to be ready to cover their children’s ears while watching a debate. 

Senator Rubio, you were wrong to even go down the road of making an insult on another candidate’s body parts much less adding sexual innuendo.  You were absolutely wrong!  As a Christian, I also want to remind you the Bible speaks against course jesting. 

During last night’s debate, you had the opportunity to step up and play the man.  To publically apologize to Mr. Trump for insulting him in a childish manner and to the citizens of this country for lowering the discourse of this election to the level of junior high boys. 

Mr. Trump, you had the opportunity to turn the other cheek and not even bring up the topic.  You could have said, “Let’s not even go down that road.  Instead let’s talk about the issues that matter.”  That’s what’s really important to the American citizens.  Instead you chose to answer back a juvenile foolish insult.  You’ve got to stop taking the bait Mr. Trump. 

Do you honestly think that any voter gives a hoot and a holler about the candidates body parts?  Really?  Seriously?

What we do care about is your mind, thinking, values, character, courage, integrity, knowledge and experience.  We care about your understanding of the foundation and principles our nation was built on.  We want to know what you think about the United States Constitution, laws and the separation of powers.  We want to know if you respect a citizen’s rights for freedom of religion.  That’s just to name a few things. 

We want candidates that act like men of integrity and focus on the issues.  It’s time to step up and be gentlemen and act like decent, respectable men. 

@realdonaldtrump @marcrubio #GOPDebate


Denise said...

amen, very well said.

susanwalkergirl said...

Thanks Denise! To think that this is going to go on for another eight months is a bit overwhelming. But what an important reminder we need to be in prayer for these men and women running for office and of course our current leaders.

Lord's blessings to you! Susan

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