Sunday, March 12, 2017

Picture A Day - Behold the Man - Thorncrown Chapel

Even on a cold winter day with the trees bare and a cold breeze blowing the Thorncrown Chapel was beautiful.  From the outside, we could see the warm glow of a light inviting us in.  A somber and beautiful place.  I couldn't help but reflect on the crown of thorns that Jesus willingly bore on His way to the cross.  He willingly went to the cross to bear our sins.  His atoning death on the cross paid the penalty for my sin.  My sin debt was paid in full that day over 2,000 years ago.  Thank Father for giving Your Son.  Thank You Jesus for bearing my sin, so one day I could be clothed in Your righteousness.  Thank You Holy Spirit for opening my eyes to see the truth in Scripture of my sin and my need for a Savior, Christ Jesus is the Promised Messiah.  Jesus alone is The Way, The Truth and The Life and no one comes unto the Father except through Him.  

Has your sin debt been paid in full?  Have you been clothed in the righteousness of Christ?  

If not, today can be your day of salvation if you will repent of your sin, believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and confess Him with your mouth.  

Wouldn't you like to know with absolute certainty, that no matter what happens to you in this life, your eternity in heaven is secure in Christ Jesus?  

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