Sunday, August 27, 2017

Crisis Shot by Janice Cantore – If you like mysteries and police novels, give it a try.

I had previously read a novel by Janice Cantore and was looking forward to her new book Crisis Shot.

The story starts out with Long Beach Police Commander, Tess O’Rourke answering an emergency call where a fellow officer is imminent danger.  How Tess responds, right or wrong, will affect her future.  The story could be taken out today’s headline news, where every action a police officer takes is scrutinized and condemned, even when there is little merit to critic’s narrative.

When the fallout from Tess’ action doesn’t seem to be winding down, she decides to make a move to a small town in Oregon, with the hope of being able to resume the career she loves in law enforcement.  It a huge change in her life.  As Chief of Police in the small town of Rogue’s Hallow, she will be answering to the mayor and city council.  It might be a small town but even there, evil is at work. 

I sort of liked the main character Tess, but didn’t feel like I got to know her well or really care about her like I wanted to.  There was a bit of a disconnect.  At first, I struggled with how Tess continually compared police work and what people were like in the small town compared where she had spent most of her life, in Long Beach, CA.  Then I realized if I had made such a drastic change in my life, I would likely be reflecting back on where I came from and what it was like back then.  The reader will get an understanding of how police work in a big city differs from a small town.  I liked how the relationships with fellow police officers changed as they worked with their new Police Chief. 

The overall pace of the novel seemed to drag.  Tess encountered many obstacles and people seemed to be tight lipped and withheld important information.  I didn’t guess who the bad guy was, there weren’t a lot of clues along the way, just lots of suspicious behavior on the part of several towns people.  I didn’t really connect with the characters.  I didn’t come away from reading the book saying, “I can’t wait to find out what happens with Tess next.”  Something was missing, but I’m not sure what it was.

The Christian faith is a small part of the story.  Tess is not a believer, but there are several Christians she encounters along the way.  If there is a sequel I hope that Christian faith is a bigger part of the story. 

Crisis Shot is okay.  I would definitely read Janice Cantore’s future books because of my good experience with her earlier novels.  If you like mysteries and police novels, give Crisis Shot by Janice Cantore a try and be sure to read some of her earlier books. 

I would like to thank Tyndale House and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Janice Cantore’s newest book Crisis Shot.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Psalm 40 – a prayer in my own words

A few years ago, I went through a time during my morning devotionals where I wrote out the Psalms in my own words.  That was one of my favorite times of reading God’s Word.  I saw God in a new and more personal way. 

In my summer Bible study one of the exercises was to write a prayer from Psalm 40.  It brought to mind seasons of trials and troubles when God truly did deliver me. 

May I tell you…God is faithful to answer all who call upon the name of the Lord.  Don’t delay, not even one minute longer.  Be sure to go to Psalm 40 and read it for yourself, for God’s Word alone is perfect and inerrant and He alone is able to save us. 

O Lord, help me to wait patiently for You and be confident that You hear my cry.  You have plucked me out of my pit of destruction.  You have put my feet on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ and Your Word and I can now walk securely.  You have given me a new song to sing.  A song to praise You my God.   May all who hear it see and fear You, O Lord.  May they know that they can put their trust in You.  The man who puts his trust in You is blessed. 

Help me to never turn to those who are prideful or foolishly believe another lie, only to be led astray.  You continue to multiply Your wondrous deeds and I stand amazed at Your thoughts towards me.  No one can begin to compare to You.  I will loudly proclaim You, O Lord.  There are so many who need to know You.  

I can make sacrifices and offering, but that’s not what You desire or require.  You have opened Your ear to me.  May I delight to open Your Word and read it so that I can know You and do Your will, for You have written Your law on my heart.  I will speak in the congregation and tell of Your great deliverance on my behalf.  May my lips be unrestrained with Your praises.  May I tell of Your great faithfulness, salvation and steadfast love to every sinner.  You have not restrained Your mercies toward me.  You are lavish in Your steadfast love.  You are always faithful and will preserve me. 

When evil befalls me and my enemies are too numerous.  When my sin is heaped up so high that I can’t even see.  My sins and inequity are more numerous than all the hairs on my head.  I fear my heart will fail me, so I cry out to You O Lord.  I beseech You to deliver me.  Don’t delay in helping.  Let those who seek to have me put to shame be disappointed.  May they turn back away from me.  May those who seek to dishonor me and delight in my pain, let them be put to shame. 

May those who seek You, rejoice in You and be filled with gladness.  All those whom You have saved, may they tell of Your greatness and salvation that they have in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  We cry out, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. 

I know Lord that I am poor and needy in spirit.  I am amazed and comforted to know that You think of me.  You alone are my Help.  You alone are my great Deliverer.  O Lord, do not delay in coming, for I need You my God and Savior. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Picture a Day - Pismo Beach

Boy, oh boy, I'd love to be there on a hot summer day like today.  

This picture was taken back in 2011, on our first trip up the coast headed to Back Bay Inn in Los Osos.  This is Pismo Beach.  Doesn't the water look cool and refreshing? 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Picture a Day - Roses in Springtime

Shortly before we moved from California in 2014, my husband Chris took me to the Huntington Library.  I had never been there, but he had some good memories going there when he was young.  

The gardens at the Huntington Library were truly among the most beautiful I've ever seen, especially the roses. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Picture a Day - Back Bay View

This picture was taken at one of my favorite places, Back Bay Inn in Los Osos, CA.  It's one of the many beautiful views from this hidden gem of a hotel.  When you check in, you can feel your stress melting away.  

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Picture a Day - Wild Yarrow

The yarrow in our garden is one of my favorite plants.  In the wild, it's just as pretty.

Picture a Day - Oreo Cows

While the picture is not great...the subjects are pretty cool.  We were traveling down the highway in the Hill Country, at a pretty good clip, when what to my wondering eyes should appear...Oreo Cows!  Who knew?  Never heard of them before, but they are pretty catchy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Picture a Day - Old Rusty Car

Last December, we went on a road trip into states I had never been to.  This rusty old car was by the roadside in Arkansas.  Love the colors and the home behind it...kind of captures some of the sights we saw along the way.    

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Picture a Day - Country Roads

I love driving down old country roads.  You never know what you will happen upon.  We came across this interesting scene in Ennis, TX during bluebonnet season last year. 

Monday, August 07, 2017

Picture a Day - The Old Barn

What is it about an old barn that catches my eye?  If I had my druthers, I'd probably stop at everyone I pass and take pictures.  

Love the weathered wood and the metal roofing that's rusting set against the gray winter sky.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

First Timothy – Becoming a Good Minister of Christ Jesus – by Gregory Brown – A Timely Word and Study for Today

Pastor Gregory Brown presented me with the opportunity to read his most recent Bible study, the Bible Teacher’s Guide in the book of First Timothy – Becoming a Good Minister of Christ Jesus.

Once again, Pastor Brown has done an excellent and thorough job of expositional teaching of the Bible.  Going verse by verse, he helps the reader/student to understand Scripture in context.  He uses Scripture to interpret Scripture.

He’s deals straight with the truth and the Bible is the standard by which he measures truth or falsehood and right and wrong.  It’s clear he desires that the church be equipped to know and teach God’s Word and live it out in their daily lives.  He asks hard questions, challenges Christians to examine themselves and be serious about their faith. 

I found the questions throughout the book to be challenging, sobering and very convicting.  He doesn’t shy away from dealing with topics that are controversial in today’s culture.  He uses Scripture, Old Testament and New Testament, to back up his assertions and interpretations. 

First Timothy – Becoming a Good Minister of Christ Jesus by Pastor Gregory Brown is an excellent book and resource for Bible study.  It would be a great help to prepare someone who is going to be leading a study, or for group or individual study.

I highly recommend Pastor Gregory Brown’s newest Bible study, First Timothy – Becoming a Good Minister of Christ Jesus. 

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

An Unexpected Journey

The day our family grew by one
So very unexpected, certainly not planned
Not pregnant, but it’s every bit as exciting

We thought we would welcome into our home
For a few weeks one summer
An orphan from a land far away

Little did we know
Our hearts would be knit together as one
Our children would embrace this precious child

This little one had a hard beginning
While still so young, was now alone
But LORD willing, not for long

Far too soon the day would come
When we had to send this young one back
This child whom we’ve come to love

What better way to celebrate and remember
Than a picnic, together as a family
On a beautiful warm summer day

Of course, we took pictures to remember
When we beheld the photos in our hands
We knew, this child was meant to become our own

Sadly, the day came for a tearful goodbye
We embraced, declared our love
Made promises to write and stay in touch

Thus, our unexpected journey began
Covered with prayer
Dependent upon the wisdom and guidance of God

We will rely on the support of family and friends
The loving care of our dear church family
As we walk the path of adoption, one step at a time

Seemingly endless paperwork to be completed
Funds to save and raise
To make what seems impossible happen

We will watch and pray
Delays may come
But our hearts will remain full of hope

Dependent upon God
Who goes before us
For His heart is close to the orphan

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 2, 2017

Have you ever heard a story and felt inspired and moved by what God was doing?  This poem was inspired by a story I recently read.  While I don’t know the all the details about what the family has experienced, I rejoice at the work the LORD is doing to give a precious orphan a family and change a life forever for good. 

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg – Un-put-downable, Will keep you up late at night!

The Beijing Betrayal by Joel C. Rosenberg is the sixth and final book in the Marcus Ryker series .  This novel picks up where the last boo...