Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Psalm 40 – a prayer in my own words

A few years ago, I went through a time during my morning devotionals where I wrote out the Psalms in my own words.  That was one of my favorite times of reading God’s Word.  I saw God in a new and more personal way. 

In my summer Bible study one of the exercises was to write a prayer from Psalm 40.  It brought to mind seasons of trials and troubles when God truly did deliver me. 

May I tell you…God is faithful to answer all who call upon the name of the Lord.  Don’t delay, not even one minute longer.  Be sure to go to Psalm 40 and read it for yourself, for God’s Word alone is perfect and inerrant and He alone is able to save us. 

O Lord, help me to wait patiently for You and be confident that You hear my cry.  You have plucked me out of my pit of destruction.  You have put my feet on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ and Your Word and I can now walk securely.  You have given me a new song to sing.  A song to praise You my God.   May all who hear it see and fear You, O Lord.  May they know that they can put their trust in You.  The man who puts his trust in You is blessed. 

Help me to never turn to those who are prideful or foolishly believe another lie, only to be led astray.  You continue to multiply Your wondrous deeds and I stand amazed at Your thoughts towards me.  No one can begin to compare to You.  I will loudly proclaim You, O Lord.  There are so many who need to know You.  

I can make sacrifices and offering, but that’s not what You desire or require.  You have opened Your ear to me.  May I delight to open Your Word and read it so that I can know You and do Your will, for You have written Your law on my heart.  I will speak in the congregation and tell of Your great deliverance on my behalf.  May my lips be unrestrained with Your praises.  May I tell of Your great faithfulness, salvation and steadfast love to every sinner.  You have not restrained Your mercies toward me.  You are lavish in Your steadfast love.  You are always faithful and will preserve me. 

When evil befalls me and my enemies are too numerous.  When my sin is heaped up so high that I can’t even see.  My sins and inequity are more numerous than all the hairs on my head.  I fear my heart will fail me, so I cry out to You O Lord.  I beseech You to deliver me.  Don’t delay in helping.  Let those who seek to have me put to shame be disappointed.  May they turn back away from me.  May those who seek to dishonor me and delight in my pain, let them be put to shame. 

May those who seek You, rejoice in You and be filled with gladness.  All those whom You have saved, may they tell of Your greatness and salvation that they have in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  We cry out, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. 

I know Lord that I am poor and needy in spirit.  I am amazed and comforted to know that You think of me.  You alone are my Help.  You alone are my great Deliverer.  O Lord, do not delay in coming, for I need You my God and Savior. 

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