Thursday, January 22, 2009

Choose This Day

The world tells me
Be open and tolerant
Accept all points of view
All are of equal worth

But God tells me
Narrow is the path that leads to life
Salvation is found in no other name
Than Jesus Christ

The world tells me
Just do the right thing
Encourages me to feel good about myself
Then I’ll be at peace and at one with the world

But God tells me
Before I came to Christ
I was at enmity with God
In me lies no good thing

The world tells me
The only real sin is to be judgmental
That I should live as I please…put myself first
Without concern about heaven or hell because there is no God

But God warns me
Some have a form of godliness, without power
They are lovers of self
And do not love God

The world tells me
It’s wrong to say Jesus is the only way
Surely all paths lead to God
Who am I to tell someone else they are wrong

But God tells me
That Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
If I confess with my mouth, believe with my heart
I will be saved!

How can I withhold the truth
From those who are lost and perishing
Blinded by the enemy
Deceived…and believing a lie

There are no second chances
No purgatory to pay for my sin
No good work that will save me
Except one

Only God’s perfect sacrifice
The atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross
Testify I must
Of His redeeming love

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
January 21, 2009

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