Saturday, March 13, 2010

Follow me?

In thinking about Paul’s invitation, “Follow me as I follow Christ”, I had to ask myself would I feel comfortable saying likewise.  Or would I find things in my life that would reflect that I’m not walking as closely as I should?
  • Am I following Christ?
  • If so…in what ways is that evident in my life?
  • How’s my prayer life?
  • Do I pray without ceasing?
  • When I tell someone I’ll pray…do I?
  • Do I pray believing God and trusting His character?
  • Do I daily read and study God’s word?
  • Do I apply it to my life?
  • How do I respond when the Holy Spirit convicts me of sin?
  • Am I quick to listen?
  • Am I quick to yield to the Lord’s leading and prompting?
  • Do I say Thy will be done and really mean it?
  • By the power of the Holy Spirit, am I increasing in my holiness?
  • Do I daily display the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control?
  • Am I taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ?
  • Do I hide God’s word in my heart so that I might not sin against Him?
  • Do I put a guard over my eyes, ears, heart and mouth?
  • Is my love patient, kind, trusting, humble, longsuffering, not easily provoked?
  • Do I bear all things, believe all things, hope and endure all things?
  • Do I speak the truth in love, not like a clanging cymbal?
  • Do I hunger and thirst after righteousness?
  • Do I seek to do my Father’s will?
  • Do I put others first?
  • Do I love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength?
  • Do I seek to be upright and blameless before God?
  • Do I keep short accounts with God?
  • Can people tell I am a Christian without me having to tell them? 
  • Am I prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within me?
  • Do I really believe that without Christ, people will perish and spend eternity in hell?
  • Am I broken over the thought that someone will go to hell forever?
  • Am I humble or do I think more highly of myself than I ought to?
  • When I look at my schedule or checkbook what do they say about my priorities?
  • What’s first in my life?
  • Am I dying to self daily?
  • Can I say it’s not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me?
Would I feel comfortable issuing the same invitation that Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”?  If not, why not?  If not now, when? 

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