Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time for a Change

Last weekend there was some mumbling, grumbling and complaining going on as people got up early to make it to church on time.  Ordinarily getting up early is not a big deal, but with the time change springing forward one hour, people seem to feel the effects more than falling back one hour. 
I found myself complaining, but even before the words left my mouth, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
God brought to mind the millions of people around the world who are not able to worship freely.  They wouldn’t grumble and complain because they had to get up early.  Instead they would be praising God that they would get to join their brothers and sisters in Christ in worshipping Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and diligently study God’s word. 
Praise God…for the churches that preach and teach the full counsel of God’s word.  Those congregations are fed a veritable banquet and feast on God’s word each week. 

When we get home how many of us set our Bible down, only to be picked up again when we are heading out the door to church the next Sunday?  May we be mindful of the millions of people who would love to hold the Bible in their hands and read it with their own eyes. 
If we knew that tomorrow laws would be passed that would forbid us to attend church would there be an outcry from God’s people?  Would we flock to church in record numbers?  If we knew our Bibles would be taken away from us, outlawed or banned, how would we treat God’s Word? 

May we live in light of the precious gifts we have been given by God.  May we not take lightly our freedom to worship and read our Bible.


Louise said...

You are so, so right with this post. Because of health issues the time change is more difficult the older I get, but I dare no complain. I know a lady who does missions work in another country ... winters there are 50 below zero ... no complaining. Food shortages ... no complaints either. Thanks for making us think Scripturally.

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Louise...thanks for your comment. I seems like with each passing year it's harder to adjust to the time difference.

But we are so blessed, especially in this country, it's easy to loose sight that what we have so freely and abundantly is not that way in the rest of the world.

Blessings to you...and I look forward to reading your blogs. Praise God that He does shape our character with the Cross. It can be painful this side of heaven...but may we be like Paul and compare it to the rewards in eternity.

In Christ...Susan

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