Friday, July 09, 2010

In Passing

When you hear the news that I have passed from this life
Please do not grieve as those without hope
For I am truly home
My faith has given way to sight
That which was dim, I can now see clearly
What was once my hope, is now reality
Absent from the body, I’m now present with the Lord
From my Savior’s lips I heard the words I longed for
Well done good and faithful servant
I have now entered in to the joy of my Master
Where I am there is no more sin, sickness, sorrow or death
I’m forever more in the presence of Christ Jesus my Lord
Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 8, 2010


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

A beautiful word...and a beautiful blog...glad I stopped in

susanwalkergirl said...

Thanks Teresa for stopping by and the encouraging word.

Blessings to you! Susan

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