Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Do They Know

My family laid my body to rest today
Little do they know
My soul will never find rest

I spent months fighting this wretched disease
On my death bed
Suffering day and night

They couldn’t take it any longer
Eventually they prayed
That I would suffer no more

They whispered in my ear
It’s okay, you can let go now
You are going to a better place

Little did they know
Where I would spend eternity
Now my soul will never find rest

I was never too religious
Thought that Jesus’ claim as being the only way to salvation
Absurd and narrow minded

Surely all roads lead to heaven, don’t they?
I was a good person, not perfect, but good in comparison to others
Don’t all my good works count for something?

Well, I was wrong, dead wrong
Not that it makes any difference
But I’m a believer now

If only I could send someone to warn them
Repent!  Receive Christ for the forgiveness of your sins
Lest you suffer the same fate as me

Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 18, 2011

I had started this poem on July 16, 2010, but finished it a year later.

How many times have you heard people say when a loved one has died, “Well at least they are not suffering anymore.”  While those words are meant to bring comfort, as Christians we know the truth that when an unbeliever dies their suffering has just begun and will last for eternity. 

May we be unapologetic and bold in sharing the Gospel message so that our family, friends, co-workers and even strangers may have the assurance that their sins have been forgiven and that they will be in heaven for eternity, not suffering in hell.


Ken said...

Very powerful and truthful post Susan. So many people has been deceived by the enemy into believing "they are going to a better place," it is really sad. Yes, us believers need to be doing every thing we can that they know Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the only way to heaven.
Thank you for sharing and God bless,

susanwalkergirl said...

Dear Ken,

Thank you so much for comment. Indeed the enemy has deceived so many into believing that they are going to a better place.

Even Christians have said to me that loved one is in a better place, without knowing if they were a Christian.

Have a blessed week in the Lord.


Clint said...

I like your penultimate paragraph. Perhaps their earthly pain has ended but their eternal pain has just begun.

susanwalkergirl said...

Thank you Clint for stopping by. When we begin to comprehend the suffering that those without Christ will suffer, not just for a year or a thousand years, but for eternity it ought to make us weep. It ought to make us passionate and unashamed to share the Gospel of Christ so they too might live.

Linda said...

Amen Susan...It is no laughing matter. People need the Lord before it is too late. We need to pray, and to be bold in our witness. Always speaking the love.

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

susanwalkergirl said...

Thank you Linda! I agree we must be faithful in our witness of Christ to family and friends and even strangers.

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