Monday, July 25, 2011


Recently, I had the privilege of reading Jerry Bridges’ book “Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate.”  Reading this book proved to be a painful experience.  On occasion I saw the sins of others, but all too often God confronted me of my own sins. 

When I think of the word ungodly, I don’t typically think of Christians.  Instead I think of unbelievers and a multitude of sins.  But Jerry Bridges helped me to see that ungodliness may be a sin present in a believer’s life too. 

In his book Jerry said, “Ungodliness may be defined as living one’s everyday life with little or no thought of God, or of God’s will, or of God’s glory or of one’s dependence on God.”

The day after reading that chapter, I had an example of ungodliness in my own life when I experienced anxiety and worry.  My first thought wasn’t that I need to bring this before the Lord in prayer.  Instead, I was thinking of things that I could do to help resolve the issues that concerned me. 

It wasn’t until later in the day, I realized I had given little thought of God when I started feeling anxious.  I wanted to get out of that place where I was feeling uncomfortable.  I wanted to be in control and use my wisdom and might to change the situation.  I didn’t act a whole lot different than a person who doesn’t believe in God. 

The book also addresses many other sins, including anxiety and worry. 

I found “Respectable Sins” challenging because the Holy Spirit was doing a work in me as I read through each chapter.  I would recommend taking one chapter at a time so that you can think and pray about what the Holy Spirit would have you to learn before moving on to the next chapter. 

This book is a keeper so you can reread and reevaluate where you are at in dealing with some of those “Respectable Sins” that all of us deal with this side of heaven.


Sandy said...

I love books that can be read
and re-read, gaining more from
each reading. This sounds like
a book I would enjoy. I've read
several of Jerry's books and
always come away feeling I've
learned so much.
Worry, anxiety, fear, these are
not even emotions we think of
as sinful, but, indeed they are.

susanwalkergirl said...

Hi Sandy,

I think that you would like Respectable Sins. Jerry Bridges writes with honesty and tenderness as he addresses each area of sin.

You are correct, worry and anxiety are indeed sins. Knowing that may help me to recognize those sins, confess and repent quickly.

Joshua said...

Yes, it is a very convicting book. Well, anything written by Bridges is convicting, yet very rewarding in the end as I have found. Respectable Sins though is his most convicting book. Trying to scavenge through different sins that the church finds respectable (in a sort of way), yet heinous in God's eyes, makes you wonder how God must tolerate our attitudes when it comes to these various sins. Because, I have seen in my own life that my attitude is usually terrible when God shows me something I need to correct. It should not be that way, but it usually is. Thanks for sharing. :)

susanwalkergirl said...

Jerry Bridges is a man gifted by God. It was hard to read and clearly see myself in the sins Jerry was talking about. Yet I found his approach very humble and with a heart for the Lord.

It's so easy to see the sins of the world and how heinous they are, but from God's perspective how grieved and angry He must be to see sin tolerated in His people.

I may not be tempted to some of the outward sins other are. My sins are generally reflected in the thoughts and intentions of my heart.

Joshua, won't it be wonderful on that day when we won't dealing with sin any longer?

We have been saved from the penalty of sin, are being saved from the power of sin and one day (Praise God) we will be saved from the presence of sin. What a wonderful day that will be.

Joshua said...

Yes, yes, yes, and yes.... I can't wait for that day. I echo Paul's words in Philippians where he says for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Dying would be far greater better in any and all circumstances, but it is more necessary that I continue to live out my life here on this earth for His glory until that day comes.

Also, in Romans 7, when Paul goes on that tongue twisting rampage of now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law.... For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me....

His final draw out of all of that is none other than O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Is this our cry as well? Yes, it is. We echo Paul's words in this passage as well. And, as Paul continues on in verse 25, he says, "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" It is only through His blood that we can eventually be delivered from this body of sin that so easily entangles us. Thank You Lord!!!!

And Susan, thank you for standing firm in the truth of God's Word and not wavering when so many people these days want their ears tickled to sway towards ungodliness. You are a gem in the eyes of God not because of what you have done, but all because of what He has done. Continue persevering in the faith my sister. It will be difficult filled with many trials and tribulations, but He promises to never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:9).

Ken said...

Thank you Susan for this book review and the one in the above post. They both look like very good books to read.

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