Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dare I Confess

Dare I confess, I feel a wee bit low these days
My focus is off, not where it should be
On circumstances around me and not on my heavenly Father

Dare I confess, I long to be in heaven
Not in this world riddled with sin
Where evil seems to triumph

Dare I confess, I long for the Rapture
Is it coming soon or many years from now
Only the Lord knows when He will take His church home

Dare I confess, I need to remember
Each day the Lord delays
More people enter the Kingdom by confessing Christ as Lord

Dare I confess, daily walking with the Lord
Sometimes seems hard, but it is so worth it
Achieved through the power of the Holy Spirit within

Dare I confess, I need Your help Lord
To keep my heart and mind stayed on Thee
Saturate me in Your life-giving Word

by Susan Wachtel
December 29, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Unto us a Son is given

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gift Exchange

As the lights were dimmed
A hush came over the crowd
In the quiet a question was posed
What will you give Jesus for Christmas?

I knew in an instant
As his face came to my mind
Our relationship broken and strained
I would present this to my Lord

A beautifully wrapped package
Rested in my hand
Held close to my heart
Then raised to the Lord

In an instant my burden was lifted
Stress I had felt melted away
Once again my mind was focused
Aware of the presence of the Lord

How did this gift exchange happened
I will never fully know
As I presented my gift to the Lord
His peace filled my soul

by Susan Wachtel
December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Oliver Twist – Most Excellent

Focus on the Family Radio Theatre did a most excellent job in retelling Charles Dickens’ classic tale of orphan Oliver Twist.  It’s a quality production in every aspect, from the cast to the musical score, sound effects and narration. 

The talented cast did an outstanding job in bringing these memorable characters to life.  The story seems to come alive in the imagination of the listener.  The hardest part was waiting to listen to the next CD. 

This audio drama is a set that includes 5 CDs and a bonus DVD with footage on the making of the radio drama and interviews with experts on Charles Dickens.  After seeing the attention that was paid to the fine details it made me appreciate it even more.  I look forward to listening to it again and I want to read the book Oliver Twist.

The DVD also includes some true life, compelling stories on modern day orphans, a subject which is near and dear to the heart of Focus on the Family.

Oliver Twist would make an excellent gift!  I do believe that Mr. Dickens would himself be pleased with this radio drama.  I highly recommend Focus on the Family Radio Theatre’s production of Oliver Twist.

Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this audio drama to listen to and review.  I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Giving Thanks

Father as I meditate on Your loving-kindness and goodness
Thanksgiving comes from my heart and is on my lips

Thank You for sending Your Son to bear my sins upon the cross
Because of Christ, my sin debt was marked “Paid in Full”

Thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ
Which cleansed me from all my sin

Thank You for the Gift of Promise
The Holy Spirit, my Guarantee of a future spent with You

Thank You for redeeming this wretched sinner
Taking my heart of stone and giving me a heart of flesh

Thank You for clothing me
In the righteousness of Christ

Thank You for Your life giving Word
Like a river of life for my thirsty soul

Thank You for Your transforming power
Empowering and enabling me to walk victoriously over sin

Thank You for the promise of heaven
An eternity spent with You…the Lover of my soul

By Susan Wachtel
November 23, 2012

If you would like to participate in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday Challenge head over to her website “Tales from a Gypsy Mama”.  Be sure to read some of the entries from other writers.  I can promise you that you will be blessed.

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